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Everything posted by 89Horn

  1. Remember that time Texas played Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl and won and still dropped one spot from 3rd to 4th in the final AP poll and Ohio State moved up one spot from 10th to 9th even though they lost? Yeah, that was weird.
  2. Wait. No deferring, giving up a touchdown on opponent's first drive, and no delay of game on our first play? What the hell is going on!!!
  3. It's there. It's Northrop Grumman's new stealth first down line offering. Let's see if it catches on.
  4. They skip over that? Seriously? I believe you get your ass kicked for doing that.
  5. Bonus points if it was your intent to have Pippen's dunk against former OU player Wayman Tisdale on the court.
  6. So, from the outside of college station you can't get in and from the inside of college station you can't get out?
  7. I swear, if we win the toss, our captain should turn to the ref and just say, we'll spot them 7 points, take the ball and the wind then give up a delay of game on first down of our first possession.
  8. Whoah, whoah, whoah! What are you suggesting? - The Big 10
  9. Hurry up, let's get this season over with! It's getting cold up here.
  10. 89Horn


    You have this mistaken idea that the masses are some community of intelligent, reasonable people that somehow become idiots when they start using social media. Social media is simply the microphone for the mass of idiots to to amply their stupidity.
  11. 89Horn

    LSU @ aggy

    And in hick speak language. Impressive.
  12. 89Horn

    LSU @ aggy

    SIAP, but most annoying thing is seeing DBs do the incomplete arm motion when in about 70% of time they had no impact on the pass being incomplete. Better yet, they do the incomplete motion and then get burned or pass interfere on the next play.
  13. Maybe the strain was more than he could bear. By the way, he's skiing on one ski. And, there's something following them.
  14. Maybe we'll beat them by almost a touchdown.
  15. I'm convinced that aggy has your second sentence quoted on a sign above the entry to the tackle box that their players tap as they come out of the tunnel.
  16. They did do Sweet Caroline , it was just later after the game. Students were singing it in the background when LHN switched over to Ricky, Shipley et al.
  17. Why? I imagine that the last page or two of this thread is like how his mind operates when he is sober.
  18. “No, no, no, no. Texas A&M will not be matched with a Big 12 team in a bowl. No, no, no, n-, wait, did you say Baylor? Ok, maybe.” - SEC officials
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