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Everything posted by 89Horn

  1. Near you, but out since 2am. Most infuriating thing? Driving by empty office buildings with power north side of 183 at Oak Knoll/Riata WITH LIGHTS ON IN EMPTY OFFICES.
  2. Yeah, this is fucking bullshit. Power has been out in 78759 since 2am. We’ve been losing and having power restored at least 15 times since last Thursday evening.
  3. The compelling arguments and evidence that the House Managers provide will mean nothing to the majority of the Republican senators. After the House Managers rest, Trump's lead counsel will announce to Leahy that they will rest without putting on any evidence and state they are ready to go to the vote. Then, like young Henry Hill's attorney in Goodfellas, he'll turn to the Republican senators and give them that smile.
  4. I beg to differ. I envision a CLE presentation that begins with excerpts from the defense argument that the presenter follows with "Don't do that. Any questions? Ok, none. I see in the back that lunch is about to be served so I'll give you 45 minutes back. Thank you."
  5. This happens all the time? The people who didn't get their way cause an insurrection to stop the result from going through? Is that what he means?
  6. Wasn't watching and following along with the comments here. I couldn't believe that it was really as bad as suggested. So started watching just to see. Holy fuck, this guy is all over the place. It really sounds like he's winging it with some far out shit. Wow.
  7. This discussion of what is considered south Austin reminds me of the great tug of war of 1987, North v. South Austin. The geographical divisions were much simpler then, Town Lake divided north and south. I remember it vividly because I moved from a Riverside apartment to a place at Balcones Woods right on 183 right before the tug of war. I sat it out, but drank a beer and wine to balance out the allegiances. By the way, I had a place on William Cannon around 1988 and my buddies living in West Campus would characterize the location of my apartment as north San Antonio.
  8. If Abbott is really as smart as he seems to be, he’ll take the challenge seriously. The MAGA crazies will really get behind the real MAGA. No diet or lite substitute will do for MAGA. Reminds me of another election when I thought David Dewhurst would win the Senate. The Cruz crazies prevailed. The narrator in the pro Cruz attack ads would say no to Dewhurst because ‘he’s a moderate.” I thought the Tea party electorate was idiotic back then.
  9. She’s not that smart. She is who she is.
  10. In all seriousness, I think she has multiple issues. She really does crave attention to the point of being addicted. Just like a 16 year old girl on Snapchat. Girl has serious insecurity and victim issues and is shouting look at me. Couple that with becoming MAGA radicalized, she doesn’t stand a chance. She is likely causing fits for her lawyer who is probably calling her everyday telling her to stay off the damned Twitter. She’s drawn to Twitter where people call her an idiot feeding her “why me” victim complex. She hits Twitter like the recovering alcoholic taking swigs from the vodka bottle hidden in the basement. She can’t quit it.
  11. Asking for an explanation reminds me of this movie scene:
  12. A-fucking-men and also to Born to Run's post above. In my earlier post, I meant to mention that these Democratic party issues are not just Texas, Valley hispanic issues. This is happening elsewhere, like the mid-west blue wall. Blue collar Democrats with more centrist middle-America problems and views are increasingly becoming disillusioned with the party as they don't appear to have commonality with the Bernie/AOC-squad/Beto progressives pulling it further left. Trump/Republicans, like Reagan before, have successfully pounced on that and are making inroads. Yes, blue collars have left the party before and come back with a message that they were being heard when Clinton and to a lesser extent Obama gathered back vestiges of Reagan Democrats. Maybe I'm wrong, but the shift now appears to be a bit more deep seated for a lot of the reasons being discussed here. I think its just lazy and offensive for the Dems to employ a strategy for victory on an assumption of counting on the urban city vote and changing demographics (minority-majorities) while blue collars drift away. It's like the party is saying to its former base "you just need to adapt to the new us. we know what's best for you." It's also lazy for the party to say fuck it we can offset any losses with gains in AZ, VA, NV and GA that may or may not carry forward. I know its hard, but Dems need to get structured and do the work to reach out to and represent the values of bettering all of America, including all the blocks in the party. I think Biden as a centrist gets it and wants to work at it, but I'm not so sure that the party as a whole believes or wants to work at it. Edit: Just saw Brisketexan's post which I agree with on how the gun messaging can be done to advocate for responsible gun measures. I still own rifles including my first lever action Winchester 9422 and my grandfather's old Model 94 30-30 and I strongly believe in a measured approached to responsible gun ownership. If Texas Dems would just ease the message, I think it could make a difference. But, shit, the more I read back my post I realize I'm just a moderate that's put off by the far ends of both sides of the spectrum. Maybe I'm the one with the problem!
  13. Both of these. For years going back, lots of Hispanics could be one issue voters - anti-abortion Catholics. I know older Hispanics that just didn't vote at for President because the Dem candidates were pro choice. Also, many Valley Mexicans really don't like the rich Mexicans from Monterrey and Cuidad Mexico DF that have bought up a lot of South Padre and other nicer places down there and look down on the locals. The Valley locals also don't like the poors coming across from the countries south of the border too. These sentiments fall in line with the Trump scare tactics that married well with strong security, pro-police, anti-immigration, America first positions.
  14. See, this is the type of thinking the Democrats have exhibited for a number of years and it's worrying. It's oversimplification and short-sighted. A bad showing in one election just had to be an anomaly. It's not just one election. 2018 mid-term elections - Abbott got 44% of the vote in Cameron county and even Cruz got 37%. That should not happen and taking that Hispanic vote in the valley in particular for granted is dangerous. Full disclosure, I'm a south Texas Hispanic that typically votes Democratic. I know many hispanic males in south Texas that are and have been for a while fervently red supporting voters, and it is mind boggling. All I'm saying is that it is very short-sighted to just generally assume valley hispanics in particular are shoe in to vote Democratic.
  15. I thought the same thing too, but then Trump still won in 2020 by 630,000 votes. Did you all see how Trump did with hispanics in the Valley? He actually won Zapata county. He got 41% of the vote in Hidalgo county and 43% in Cameron county. Those are massive swings from 2016 and before in counties that are at or less than 10% white. Maybe the state does really turn purple at some point, but Dems need to avoid the thinking that hispanics will reliably be 80% on the blue side. I tend to agree with the influx of west coast transplants affecting the Texas electorate going forward, but I also think that may be an over generalization. Californians in particular are not coming to Texas just to escape harsh economic conditions but some are also coming to get away from what they perceive as left leaning politics.
  16. The thing is that these bunch of Republicans are not stupid. They understand full well that whatever they say will be taken by their base as gospel hook, line, and sinker. They read their side of the room really well. McCarthy is very comfortable in saying what he says because he wins his district with 60+% of the vote, which gives him the megaphone with much comfort to push his bullshit to the wider Republican base. They know that they can easily warp the minds of the their base and that is all that matters to this lot. If their base is easily persuadable to believe that widespread fraud is the only reason Biden won or even that some believe that high profile Democrats drink the blood of children that they traffic in sex, McCarthy's job is made easy.
  17. Bitch also stole my glasses. My parents were pissed. - Libby
  18. Little did she know that for her Jesus was coming back as a U.S. attorney along with his disciples in the form of FBI agents.
  19. Trump is likely being counseled to not issue any pardons as doing so would harm any defense he may have at trial on impeachment before the Senate. Trump's response: He will enthusiastically issue a blanket pardon and seek to make it as far reaching as possible.
  20. I think he was still OK with Trump, but he didn’t want to get lumped in the honor with effing, filthy foreign golfers. He’s got his standards.
  21. Well, yeah, unless he is prosecuted in the District of Columbia.
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