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Everything posted by Monster

  1. She sounds like she's doing voiceover for a bad guy in a Japanese cartoon.
  2. Call the mask police!!
  3. Waited until he scored to throw the holding flag. Scored a TD anyway.
  4. They turned the crowd mics up. Goood. Gooooood.
  5. Assuming we don't flip flop presidents until everyone riots, and Biden gets the office, how long do you think it'll be before we go to war with Iran? The loathing of Trump is well documented on this website, and not without reason, but his refusal to start an all-out war in Iran, (despite numerous false flags marketed by the MSM) was one of the highlights of the last four years. So I ask you, if Biden is elected, and Israel-SA want the US to invade and destabalize Iran, for whatever reason is conjured by our MSM, will liberals support another war in the middle-east? I'm old enough to remember when liberals were anti-war. (Back when I was one.) I was surprised by this thread last year, when I learned that many modern libs are pro-war/pro-invading other countries...
  6. Should have left the back up QB in there for BC. Starter overthrew his WR by 15 yards on 4th down....
  7. Wow, QB sub comes in for one play on a huge 4th down and they throw it? Like a pinch hit double right there.
  8. BC has scored 28 in the first half against Clemson's defense.
  9. Wow, that was a really smart way to pull a defense offsides. Get the defensive line extra excited by the fake field goal looking set, then hard count them.
  10. Looks like a pretty big crowd there today.
  11. Think he caught that. But opportunity for a make up call to end the game.
  12. ESPN ticker now announcing marriage engagements lol. Got to mix in something other than positive test announcements I guess. Oh wow, Tulsa gets a break.
  13. Crazy series...aaand another fumble.
  14. pretty hilarious non tackle at the end of that one.
  15. Gotta be 6 or 7 fumbles in this game.
  16. QB wanted no part of that fumble recovery.
  17. E. Carolina 20 Tulsa 17 6:19 to go in the 3rd quarter
  18. Looked like he hurt his 'i shoulda caught that ball' muscle.
  19. Def Leppard is overrated. Fight me. (Was playing on the stadium speaker)
  20. somebody cursed the boat.
  21. Pretty sure that QB can wing it 50 yards. If not, hook and lateral. Or call Time out, run a 20 yard out, then kick a field goal. There was plenty of time...18 seconds left in the game.
  22. wtf. don't even try to run a play?
  23. The big 10 said they wouldn't play football this year. But then they changed their minds. This is the year of 'reassessing decisions' and doing what makes the most sense. If you don't expand it, what do you do with a 4-0 Oregon team on playoff selection day? What if Ohio State's biggest games get postponed and they're sitting at 6-0 with only the weakest teams on their schedule under their belt? Do they get in over the second best SEC team? Each power 5 conference sending a rep fixes all that. And you don't have to worry about finals weeks or class schedules since everyone's taking classes online anyway.
  24. Every sport on the planet is restructuring and trying new things this year. So why couldn't we have an 8 team college football playoff 'for 2020 only'. Every team is playing 2-4 fewer games this year, so it won't add more games than a normal season. And this would solve the issue with the Pac12 only playing 6 games (Or 3-4 games if California postpones everything.) Each power 5 conference can send a rep, give 2 more to power 5 'eyetest' teams, and pick the best of the non power 5 teams. There's no excuse not to try it this year. We can go back to an inferior model next year.
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