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Posts posted by Monster

  1. People under the age of 18 don't even understand the concept of privacy.    I read recently that there's laws making it illegal to manufacture a phone with a removable battery.  The batteries must be fused into place...because our lawmakers don't want us capable of turning off our phones.  (Powering it off just puts it into standby mode.) 

    Worst part of it, is that, it's not just the NSA/government that has access.   



  2. I used to follow a conspiracy theory guy on my facebook feed because I honestly enjoy the neurotic creativity required to come up with baseless conspiracy theories.  Facebook Conspiracy Guy used to post about this exact same hand sign all the time (the okay handsign)    He was 100% certain it was symbolizing "666"  and the JESUITS were using it to signal to each other.     So, you see....you've all been fooled.  It's a satanic Jesuit cult that's controlling our government.


    I want to thank you nutjobs for making me feel relatively less crazy and for reminding me that people will see what they want to see to confirm their beliefs or misgivings.   If I keep that in mind, this entire political board is much more entertaining.

    Now...let me share with you, the good news of the Jesuit New World Order,

  3. 10 minutes ago, spystud13 said:

    Does anyone have a 'trade deadline' for dummies I can borrow?  I thought you couldn't put a guy in your post season lineup if you traded after a certain date.  But aren't we past that date and the cubs picked up Murphy, while the Yankees traded for McCutchen...and both are eligible to play during the postseason? 

  4. Glad there weren't any trash time scores for MSU.   Defense played pretty well.  Running QB's have given the pokes trouble in the past.

    Wish we would have seen the freshman and the Hawaii kid, but I guess the 4 game redshirt rule has changed things.  

  5. 1 minute ago, ousux said:
    4 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:
    WWII was over in the fall of '45

    So all those players came straight from fighting the Japs to beating all challengers on the FB field? /aggy again

    OSU was called Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical until 1957...so, you may be ignorant of historic world events, but you got the 'aggy' part right. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, ousux said:

    I'm know I'm likely way late on this, but fuckin lolz at the giant "NATIONAL CHAMPIONS 1945" displayed on the playing field. Guess okie lite was full of tea sippin draft dodgers that didn't want none of WWII? /aggy

    Everyone ranked #1 in every poll should put up banners and plaques.  Voting for a champion is bullshit and should be treated as such.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Greg Focker said:

    Sanders is their only chance to win this year.  And the defense Is just not good.  Gonna be a long year if they don't make some changes

    You've seen 3 quarters in a game where OSU is winning 45-17.  Not sure how you can extrapolate a 'long year' from that.

    Going about like you'd expect it go, really.

    edit: 52-17....start of the 4th quarter.  

  8. There was a frame where his elbow was on the ground, his right hand was securely on the nose of the ball and the back end of the ball was still inside his elbow.  Going to win this going away, so it doesn't matter, but that wasn't a fumble.

  9. 10 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    Probably wait until the late 3rd quarter for the backup, Corny looks to need the reps himself...

    I was kidding.  2 or 3 bad throws doesn't mean you're a bad qb.    He threw the ball a lot better on that next series.  

    I do want to see what the hype is about on the freshman.  Hopefully we'll get to see the other QB's tonight.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Homercles said:


    Yeah I’m not too impressed with Corndog either, floats the ball to the outside and no zip. But he was a 4-year backup for a reason. Gundy has a track record of favoring experience so I tend to be a pessimist on his choices of QB anyways given how long he went with the guys ahead of Weeden and Rudolph.


    Gundy's two weaknesses are sticking to older QBs, despite the younger QB's being better, and turning super passive against OU.

    That said, having a game manager back there with a set of very good running backs could work.  Maybe they'll work the 50 yard jump balls in later...if we've got another WR who can catch them.    (I always thought Rudolph was a little overrated, due in large part to Washington and other bailing him out a lot.)

    Can't complain about the defense so far.  Throwing a shutout with a turnover.


  11. Watched Brewers vs Reds yesterday.  Brewers batter got hit in the FACE with a pitch and the Brewer's announcer remarked that was only a slider.  "Just think if that would have been a fastball."   It was an 85 mph slider....why don't you go stand down there and take an 85 mph slider off the face, asshole.  

    They were literally spraying a chemical in the batter's box where he'd left blood behind, and the Brewer's announcer just keeps repeating how it was 'only a slider'.   He must have said it 4 or 5 times.  

  12. If universities and fans will refuse to accept the secret committee's 2 or 4 team--eye-ball test--secret vote--invite only---tournament winners as 'the one and only national champion'. then the secret committee and ESPN's eye ball test no longer control the story of college football.

    And we'll be a step closer to getting an objective qualification system (with conference champs)

    And ESPN can go back to reporting on sporting events, instead of trying to control the qualification process.  (A process that's become 100% fraudulent now that they've partnered with the SEC.)

    Social media and message boards are actually pretty effective when it comes to this particular type of thing.  

  13. 2 hours ago, bamachine said:

    They have listed the Pokes for '11, ND for '12, Clemson for '15 and Bama for '16. Threepeat, bitches. I guess enough people bitched about them listing UCF, the next day they went back and added Colley for the rest of the years.


    In reality, I do not go by the claimed 17 titles, as they are all MNCs, even the ones under the CFP. FTR, Bama started the "claimed 12 NCs" to thumb their noses at ND, after the Bama-Miami game in Jan '93. ND claimed 11, so the Bama SID dug up 12 claims. He would have been better off and thrown more shade at ND, to claim '66, rather than '41.

    Bama should absolutely claim all of those titles. So should ND.  So should Clemson and Ok State.  Hang banners, hang plaques, add it to your marketing materials.  Any team ranked #1 on any 'recognized' poll should absolutely claim a title.   This is the best way to combat the bullshit they're forcing on us.  


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