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Posts posted by Monster

  1. 13 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    that would be the US National Team, who never get the call, and who have learned that it's pointless to flop.  the brutal assaults the nats endured in the late '90s and early '00s especially on the road (in los angeles, new york, houston, dallas and central america) would have seen the opposition down to 3 or 4 men anywhere else in the world.

    Maybe VAR will help that a little.  Sounds like more penalty kicks in this world cup, than any before, so maybe VAR will change the game...make 'faking out the ref' less effective.  



  2. Has any team ever just played through all contact?  Like, a coach says, 'this match, maybe we don't fall to the ground unless we actually lose our balance...this match, we just keep playing through contact'.  

    I feel like a team with that approach (if equally matched talentwise) would dominate.  If nothing else, it'd surprise the other team who expects them to flop.

  3. Pretending to be hurt is what has kept me from getting completely into soccer.  I absolutely love the world cup.  I think it's my favorite 'world championship' in all of sports...

    but good god, watching grown men roll around on the ground every time they get touched is such a buzz kill.   


  4. 1 minute ago, Monster said:

    If you scroll down a little, you get the fox broadcast, on that same page.  ITV stream went down for me too.  They usually get it back up, but...you do have the back up lower on the page.

    ITV feed back up now. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    ... and just like that i've lost the buffstreamz/itv feed - anyone else lose it?

    If you scroll down a little, you get the fox broadcast, on that same page.  ITV stream went down for me too.  They usually get it back up, but...you do have the back up lower on the page.

  6. 1 minute ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    thank you monster....

    i can confirm this works, if you let it install all of the extensions and plugins (using firefox).....  i'm running a clean (no HP bloatware) machine, and have not installed anything else in to firefox prior to this.  note that at the end of the process, the plugin takes over your start tab in firefox.  the install process is scripted by professionals.  no clickbait, floating mouse targets, or other bitchassedness.  it checks for and updates/installs flash if you don't have it.  the process requires a security/tracking plugin and the "video" plugin.

    this game is an ITV stream, that's 60 seconds behind telemundo/uverse.

    I use chrome and it seems to play without any kind of installs.   Been using it for the entirety of the tournament and I've just been clicking the play button.  So far, it's been super stable with good resolution, so felt comfortable sharing it.  

  7. 7 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    The Warriors weren't defending champions when KD joined, and the Warriors paid him near-max money, dumping 5 of their 10 rotation guys to make room for him.

    LeBron would be going the defending champions on a minimum contract.

    They were champions the year before, and it took a miracle for them not to repeat...i think most would agree they were the best team in the league, and KD just lost to them.  

    If Lebron joined them, it would be very similar.  Except, yeah, he'd have to play for less money.  

    Would it tarnish Lebrons legacy, if he joined the Warriors next year...and won 2-3 more rings?



    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Have to give up Klay and probably Draymond......

    What if he took the league minimum salary?   I mean, he's got money...and he would win more rings, which is how everyone measures him compared to Jordan/others.  

  9. 5 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    He wouldn't have said a peep if a white guy took a knee to protest something. So it's about race.

    If a white guy took a knee, it probably wouldn't have been picked up by every news outlet in America...and regurgitated as daily clickbait by every clickbait/news outlet in America.   

    Because divisive race issues get clicks/attention.  

    It's the attention that gets Trump talking about it.  Narcissist need attention.    This gets him that attention.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    Man I was sure my Pokes were gonna BBQ it in the tourney but the discipline at the plate, smarts on the bases and Teel doing his usual ‘better play when shit sucks’...actually looked competent again today.

    They looked like a completely different team.  I watched a guy hit 3 foul balls then take a walk.  That hadn't happened in the last two or three weeks.

    • Like 1
  11. like on that play...Houston trying to a quick 3 pointer with 50 seconds left.   Harden shoots, misses...kind of walks back to the other side of the court, while the other 4 houston players are trying to grab rebounds and get more shots off.   Harden, literally not even in the frame anymore.  

    Its game 7 with 1 minute to go...why not keep trying?

  12. 1 minute ago, Message Board User said:

    Harden with a killer lazy turnover right there.

    I'm sure he cares, but his style...it really looks like he doesn't care at crucial moments in games.  Just kind of tossed that softly into the paint with one hand...game 7 of the conference finals with 4 mins to go in the game.

    Such a dynamic player, but his style makes it hard to know if he cares at all.

  13. On 5/12/2018 at 12:44 AM, Prepuce of Doom said:

    I've been getting baked after my wife goes to bed over the past few weekends and chipping away at this here and there. 

    I'm finally caught up and checking the thread for the first time, and I'm really surprised to see all the disappointment and frustration. I've really been enjoying it. 

    You pretty much just have to sit back and absorb it, which is a very unique viewing experience in my opinion. 

    If you go into it expecting a story, like last season, you're going to be disappointed.  If you go into it looking for a surrealistic music video with some pretty great cover songs, then it's not too bad.   I started fast forwarding the moment I hear that voiceover guy start telling me what life is about, and that's helped. 

    It's not that its a terrible show.   It's just a shell of what it was last season.  I'm guessing they didn't have time to write a story, or nobody could come up with any good plot ideas.  So they're trying to stretch a one hour story into 12 episodes...with painfully slow dialogue between characters walking around tables and chairs and cars.   

    "Should we?"

    "Should we what?"

    "You know."


    "Say it."

    Wait 5 seconds.


    Wait 10 seconds.

    "Should we help the shadow king?"

    "I don't know."

    CUT TO: 5 minute dance fight with a really great cover of a famous classic rock tune.


  14. This show started sucking its own dick. 

    I'd guess the writers read their own reviews after a pretty outstanding season 1 and decided they were geniuses, so now we have to listen to them tediously detail their philosophies on life for 40 minutes...and maybe, if we're lucky, they'll give us 10 minutes of story.  

    "Should we help the shadow king get his body back?  I don't know...did you know that human beings are the only creatures on earth that can form an opinion about their world?"

    If I wanted some asshole to tell me 'how the world really is' without bothering to put it in story form, I'd go read the cloak room threads.

    Season 1 was fun and weird and it told a story .  Season 2 reminds me of the second season of 'Sense 8'...where the writers were out of plot ideas, so they gave us music videos and people sitting around talking about life in general.   


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