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  1. I don’t know about ND, we’ll see tomorrow. But I’m not sure I would ever count UGA out of it with their defense.
  2. That’s great looking Gibson. On a related note, I finally broke down and tried a set of Stringjoy strings on my acoustic after hearing/reading so much about them. I’ve always used dadarios which I buy for $50 for a 10 pack on Amazon. The Stringjoys were $15 for the set. Played a 3 hour gig set with them last night and they were fantastic. Had a great warm sound, but still crisp without being warm or muddy at all. Really really sounded good. The dadarrios have a tendency to get harsh in the highs. And they don’t last very long - 2, maybe 3 gigs at best is all the last before they go dead to my ears. We’ll see how long the stringjoys last. Not sure I really want to pay triple the price of they don’t last longer. I know you all were dying for that info. You’re welcome. Happy new year!
  3. I hear Netflix has an Iron Maiden doc coming out
  4. FG doesn’t upset me too much. The dumb mistakes do though.
  5. You can get a lot of out of print stuff on Amazon
  6. They could fit a fucking steer in that stadium. Bitches.
  7. This is dead on correct. And it’s this delusion that their ridiculous culture will always eventually win the day that keeps them from simply facing and dealing with reality. It dooms them to subpar results in all aspects of their lives, not just on the football field. I don’t think it’s just old army red asses either, but I haven’t lived there for a long time so maybe the new aggy generations are coming out of the stone age. Personally, I doubt it.
  8. Can someone do a scientific study of this to be sure? You know, for science.
  9. Yea I stand up from my aisle seat when the plane lands. Eat a dick if you don’t like it.
  10. Well yea the team will be fine. Just pointing out that ASU has had nothing to travel to ever so there is pent up demand. They’ll show up for what’s probably the biggest game in their program’s history.
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