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  1. It will be nothing more than a slush fund for Trump to steal from and throw his power around with. That’s it. By golly, that’ll make America great again.
  2. You’ve been too old for a long time already
  3. They have a good recap on the diplomat
  4. It’s not completely thunder dome. Though it’s closer to it in some industries I think.
  5. Still looking for an answer to my question about Baker Montgomery upthread.
  6. tbone_


    What’s your point?
  7. tbone_


    I think it’s reasonable for someone who likes music to tune into the biggest music awards show. Every time I do I get reminded of how much I’m not the target market for the popular music of today. Such is life I guess. One think I know for sure though is that Beyoncé record was not the best country record of the year.
  8. tbone_


    Stevie Wonder certainly sang live. Ouch.
  9. tbone_


    Well Will Smith has the number one most important currency in today’s world: people talk about him. So yea, let’s work him into the show. Same as the broad that showed up in the clear shower curtain dress a few posts up.
  10. tbone_


    Hey got banned from the Oscars. Not the Grammys.
  11. tbone_


    Not gonna lie. I like her outfit.
  12. There’s a tool you can buy in amazon that will punch a new hole for you. I use mine all the time.
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