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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. I would still attempt to confirm that if I read it and didnt already know it
  2. You go to concerts dressed up like Devo?
  3. Why is naked spelled n*ked? Is that a bad word now?
  4. Dan Patrick rants on this regularly. Neither of you are wrong.
  5. You should be able to charge extra for inverted
  6. I don’t hate them, because that’s not what I want to be about. But I would very much prefer to see them both ruined as spectacularly as possible.
  7. Nm
  8. Surely that’s posted on Reddit and four Chan and wherever else the dark web hacker wackos, err I mean freedom fighters, hang out, right?
  9. I’m a buyer of the US economy as the best vehicle for creating value in the world long term. Value corrections, which we probably currently need, don’t bother me. Every time I’ve ever thought some correction has been a new world order I’ve been massively wrong. This goes back a while. Yes Trump is a dip shit. Yes some of his stuff will have a shitty impact. Yes I’m still plowing in money every paycheck. I’m fine with buying cheaper for a while. HODL!
  10. Sort of related, I heard Crazy Train coming out of the speakers at a shopping center parking lot the other day. Wonder if the prince of darkness knew he was making Muzak with Randy Rhoads back in the day.
  11. Or as rude. Smart and rude. Great combo.
  12. The conversation is great
  13. Can we get him some cartel ketamine that was sourced in a Chinese fentanyl factory?
  14. Becoming Led Zeppelin. Bad ass.
  15. Superhero - you have issues
  16. Ten year needs to go down about another hundred basis points And stay there for a while.
  17. 100% pick for me. I have sort of invented my own pseudo-finger picking style (meaning I can pretty much hit the individual strings I want, while letting the others ring) but all with a pick.
  18. There’s a lot wrong with that picture
  19. A well known real estate guy in Austin once told me his goal was to be the highest paid per hour worker in town. I always thought that was a pretty good goal.
  20. Becoming Led Zeppelin is a seriously bad ass movie
  21. Rolled up to this at the boat dock this morning. Looks like no boat this weekend. Guy is coming Monday to check it out.
  22. Whirlwind was the shit. Unreal how long they lasted.
  23. That’s shitty man
  24. Yea he has dough but I still agree with 3 putt. Also hope I’m wrong.
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