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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. F# would probably have a barre
  2. I ran across this while researching Marantz the other day https://www.gearpatrol.com/audio/vintage-marantz-receiver-buying-guide/
  3. Also while we’re talking pig memories, did anyone attend the game around 87 or so where I wanna say it was Brett Stafford that threw a last second touchdown to Tony Jones? I did not attend but was watching with a bunch of people in my shithole apartment at Garden Gate across from Ables with the sliding door opened. West Campus erupted when that catch was made. Made for a glorious party the rest of the day.
  4. I remember that game. I did not attend but watched it from some friends of my parents lake house in Pine Bluff. Heard way too much woo pig sooie the rest of the weekend. Sucked balls. Pretty much cemented my hatred of pig at the tender age of 12.
  5. It’s not my fault you can’t keep your legs closed
  6. It’s just more stupid liberal crap made up by people who are dead set on persecuting the one man who has the strength to stand up to the system to try and save us. And they are disappointed in you for not seeing it. I am 100% convinced there are no minds to be changed. Everyone knows how they are going to vote. Let’s just see how the count and the associated vote count fuckery (and counter fuckery effort) goes.
  7. True. But the state did vote for a D governor and 2 senators for the first time in forever. So who knows.
  8. Goddamn this fucking infuriates me. As a resident of Scottsdale I’ve followed this somewhat. But reading this level of detail really pisses me off.
  9. I mean, I know you pay attention to the world we live in these days.
  10. It’s all starting to make sense now
  11. Maybe he’s just bringing his pac12 defense with him to Alabama
  12. People have diarrhea of the mouth all the time. I don’t think it ruins anything about this game.
  13. Are you going to whip my ass all day?
  14. Legal fuckery in process Check out this article from USA TODAY: A flurry of lawsuits on state voting rules could influence 2024 election results https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/10/07/election-results-lawsuits-voting-rules/75485167007/
  15. I get the argument that no one follows a legend well. But if you are a college coach don’t you have to take the Alabama job if they call?
  16. Ironhead Heyward with the touchdown
  17. Can’t be right. Aggy is only 8th highest 1 loss team.
  18. Cheers to the both of you then I guess [emoji482]
  19. Hey man apologies for having the nerve to think something different than what you told me to think. Btw, do you ever get tired of being a condescending cunt? Wait, nevermind, the answer to that is obvious.
  20. This. As always, talk to me in mid/late October.
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