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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. Well well well
  2. Yea but he at least got there by being in one of the most successful rock bands of all time and probably plowed some serious poonage along the way. Which is significantly more than the average douche who drives a Subaru and watches true crime documentaries with his cats and a box of wine can say.
  3. Damn hookit that’s rough. Your survey didn’t mention any engine issues I guess?
  4. I’ve voted for the Dem POTUS candidate exactly 3 times in my life. The third time was yesterday.
  5. Gibson routinely asks $5,6,7,8k for their acoustics with a straight face. So wtf knows anymore.
  6. I liked them. But I was 8.
  7. The last pirates game I watched might have had Willie Stargell playing.
  8. I can’t recall seeing this many fuckups in a MLB game before
  9. Wicked pitches and weak ab from GS
  10. Use the dead girls credit card
  11. He got all of that one
  12. Are you expecting to wake up one day and see that the sky has magically turned green instead of blue?
  13. It may or may not pass. Prepare your anus.
  14. Who gives a shit how often someone showers. Unless the answer is not enough.
  15. The doc suggested, mostly by interviews with the jurors in the first trial, that the sexual abuse testimony was what deadlocked the jury because they couldn’t agree on what the conviction should be - one thing if you believed the abuse was a factor in the crime and a harsher thing if you didn’t. They deliberated for over a month and couldn’t break the deadlock. In the second trial the doc made it seem like the judge really wanted an outcome so he decided, differently from the first trial, to not allow the abuse testimony. The second jury only deliberated for a couple of hours IIRC. Hard to know for sure if the slant of the doc was accurate, but def made it look highly suspicious.
  16. Watched the Netflix doc last night. If all of that abuse shit is true, holy shit. That dad was a fucking monster and got exactly what he deserved. And I could 100% see how a lifetime of brainwashing from that asshole could lead to believing you could never escape.
  17. Braums had great burgers. Or at least the my did back in the day. Know what I mean, Verne?
  18. The air under the front end is impressive
  19. Very professional. I would have rather you a Top Performer in your review.
  20. He kicked the shit out of that
  21. That’s fumble. Surprised the tackle didn’t break his leg. Looked awkward for a nano second.
  22. How was that not targeting by 18?
  23. JFC the sec sucks it’s own dick like crazy
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