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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. Ran across this on Facebook. This has to be the baddest looking muscle car ever. And I’m not really even a Ford guy. But they nailed it with this. Holy shit that’s rude af.
  2. My BIL killed with Cardano enough to buy a beach house. His story of what he had to go through to get that cash and ti verify it with his lender on the beach house was insane. I told him he should write a book.
  3. The series with Benedict cumberbatch is pretty good.
  4. This. He doesn’t seem aggy to me. Do they even claim him?
  5. Yea PE won’t fuck it up at all. Not that it’s not already fucked up.
  6. tbone_

    Mad Men

    Yea it was all about him thinking he knew what was best for her because she clearly couldn’t figure it out on her own.
  7. Htf did she even know it was beeping?
  8. Also this underrated gnarly shit from Joe Walsh has always been a favorite of mine
  9. Also, everything Jeff Beck plays in his version of People Get Ready with Rod Stewart
  10. The outro solo that comes in at 3:01 in Life Without You just kills me every time I hear it.
  11. East coast dgaf about your hippie west coast time zones
  12. wtf happened? Have we always been like this and I just didn’t notice for the first 50 years of my life? JFC.
  13. Seems like the 5.3 at vanguard is winning the day so far.
  14. That strap doesn’t go with that Gretsch at all.
  15. My theory is money is just rocket fuel for one’s personality. Wanna find out who someone really is? Give them a pile of money.
  16. Do you have a ticker for the Schwab mma?
  17. Where are you guys parking cash? Right now I’m getting 4.8% in JP Morgan money market account. How does that compare to what you Gordon Gekkos are doing?
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