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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. It’s not you that needs prayer. It’s us.
  2. Well duh. That’s what Biden orchestrated.
  3. I get the disdain for Elroy and his cars. And their reported qc issues. That said, I have two Teslas in my garage. One for my fiancée and one for her 16yo daughter. A new Y and and old used 3. They wanted what they wanted and no reason to fight that battle (plus I didn’t pay for them). Neither drive more than maybe 3-5 miles from home at a time. They are essentially glorified golf carts and honestly they work just fine. Zero issues. For those kind of drivers they are fine imo. If you need your car for more than that, maybe not.
  4. Love shack has fantastic groove. Therefore not even close to the worst song of all time.
  5. Fair point. Regardless, still been amazing to me how Biden hasn’t used his position as president to act presidential in the campaign really at all. Just lets trump teabag him not stop. Guess we’ll see what the new day brings.
  6. If Biden and the party were smart he should step down now and let Kamala serve out the rest of his term as President. Then she could do the kind of Presidential things as a candidate Biden never would do. Use that pulpit. Act like the boss. Hell she should even pardon Trump, because remember, she’s the boss. Act the fucking part. It’s def her best chance. But I’m not sure these guys are smart enough.
  7. That’s a cool thing you do. Love the fucking dogs just cruising across the stage…
  8. Suppose this could go on the Facebook thread too….
  9. tbone_

    Guitar tuning

    This. You’ll get better that way. And it helps develops your rhythm. What’s fun is when you try to play a song that’s just recorded out of tune. Many are.
  10. tbone_

    Guitar tuning

    You play a 7 string?
  11. Well no shit. He had the same disease that affects way too many Americans - the I’m a complete loser dipshit with a gun so jm gonna go shoot shit up disease. And yes, schools, churches, Walmarts, dennys, parades, marathons, concerts, clubs, etc etc etc. We’re all “there” all of the time. But by all means, let’s don’t work on curbing that disease. Let’s just make it political instead. Outstanding job as a species. Really well done. Zero evidence. Registered Republican. Last internet search was for porn.
  12. tbone_

    Guitar tuning

    Same here
  13. More likely “this line has been disconnected”
  14. The rhetoric around condemning or advocating for political violence based on this incident is total fucking joke. That kid didn’t shoot at Trump for anything having to do with politics. He was just a typical American dork with a gun (and a 10 inch dick apparently) and instead of shooting up a school or a mall he shot at Trump because he was there.
  15. tbone_

    Guitar tuning

    I just use a clip and tune to that. Religiously.
  16. Paying movers to pack your shit is cheaper than a divorce.
  17. Well, that, and he was just a better player. #reallyducks
  18. 100%. Completely disgusting and not surprising at the same time. Hank Williams had a whole floor iirc.
  19. Did they really change country music or just create a new genre? I just ask because Morgan Wallen doesn’t seem changed much. In the country music hall of fame museum in Nashville, unless they’ve changed it since I was there a while back, Willie had one little corner and it wasn’t a corner just for him, it was for all the “outlaws”. Doesn’t seem like the Nashville powers feel like he changed them much. Just sayin. Maybe I should read the book.
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