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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. Make sure your letter is sternly worded.
  2. I’m kind of digging this https://reverb.com/item/82489152-fender-acoustasonic-player-telecaster-custom-art-guitar-austin-city-limits-7?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=82489152
  3. Old timer at a bar told me once you need 5 things on a deserted island: food clothing shelter pussy and new pussy
  4. Is it just me or does messier look like he can barely tolerate Suban when he’s rambling
  5. I see how the commish could get to the refs but how would he just get Fla to stop playing?
  6. Pretty sure it’s been this way since the beginning of time.
  7. Anyone tried Stringjoy strings?
  8. Also I would have been nicer to these two girls when I was in hs
  9. Blue door. FAANG, Bitcoin, Nvidia.
  10. I saw this the other day and I might have to track it down and buy one
  11. Agreed on Tkachuck. Love how he plays. His dad must be really proud.
  12. Windlass quit working. Gypsy is worn out. But of course they don’t make this gypsy anymore. So get to buy a whole new windlass. Yay! B.O.A.T.
  13. 1 Les Paul, 2 strats, 2 teles, 2 Taylors, 1 Larrivee, 1 Seagul and I don’t see the problem either. Actually I think the problem is I don’t have a Martin.
  14. I always thought Texas was Texas.
  15. Simon and Garfunkel 500k in Central Park?
  16. Great looking Martin. What makes the D41 different than a D28?
  17. Is that bs about the George Strait crowd at Pyle real? How was fucking Woodstock not bigger than that?
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