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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. Mine has memorized her number. Which means that even though she couldn’t produce the actual card even if given an hour to look for it if her life depended on it, no purchasing is slowed down at all.
  2. You know that you are going to be the asshole when it happens right?
  3. Shit that was 8 years ago?
  4. Oil is going to have to score at some point for that to happen
  5. Well we’ve had a nice run I guess
  6. I went to Bimini on a 55 Hatteras once. Was bad ass. You should totally do it.
  7. Good news is Hitler was only in his 40s when he started his shit. Orange fuck stick has 30 years on him.
  8. Shit that sucks. My limited game is 100% pick.
  9. I remember when Hackemack used to come into Abel’s. Holy shit that guy was huge.
  10. Ahh, Donovan Forbes, and the famous pitch to nowhere
  11. I do this all the time. On purpose for tonal reasons. Million subtle ways to get the right sound.
  12. Is Jake Paul the biggest loser in all sports? Probably not I guess since he’s not really involved in sports but still.
  13. 100%. Anyone else who has the right skills can get paid, why not him. And others. Serena turned pro at 14.
  14. It’s in the chromosomes I think. Ex wife argued with me once for a long time that it wasn’t possible to reserve rights to use real estate a certain way without owning the real estate (commonly known as easements). Current about to be wife argued with me that there is no way I knew where the drinking water supply came from. Despite the fact that I have been a real estate developer for nearly 30 years now. Easements and the source of water, yea I wouldn’t know shit about that at all.
  15. They’re worth it. Incredibly tight band with a fantastic groove
  16. Got a mustard colored sears 10 speed that I just had to have. Not long after I saw my first Mongoose with Tuffwheels. No dice. Just had to have the 10 speed didn’t you. Dumb ass.
  17. Seems like a productive topic to argue with the wife on
  18. Bad ass unis. No letters. Stripes on pants. Yes please.
  19. That’s the new mister 2?
  20. True. But want to know more about that white falcon. You been holding out on us?
  21. Will I still be able to trade when it gets cold?
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