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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. This right here. I don’t know about the out of tune part, but played correctly it’s fantastic. As evidence I submit these two examples.
  2. You get a free bowl of soup with that hat?
  3. My first car was a 1971 Toyota Corona Deluxe. The passenger front door would fly open on a sharp left turn. I don’t want to hear any whining about build quality.
  4. I have a theory, based partly on reading Keith’s autobiography, that Mick and Keith have lived a life that few if any others in human history have been able to live. Better than filthy rich billionaires because they are worshiped and they still have plenty of money. Better than real royalty or political leaders because they don’t have the responsibility to lead, but they are absolutely cultural royalty. Worshiped all over the world, literally everyone you meet will fall all themselves to do whatever you want/need/etc. There is no place you go that you aren’t the coolest person in the room. And all you have to do in return is rock. They were among the first true rockstars, probably the biggest ever, and managed to keep it going for what 60 years? Just trying to think of anyone else in human history who’s had that kind of life experience. Not many.
  5. I always liked the Van Halen drum sound. Made them sound like Van Halen to me. I know, I know. I’ll show myself out.
  6. There are 4 other females that live with me in my house. I’d be more surprised if one of them knew how to work a socket wrench than if I woke up with my head sewn to the carpet.
  7. At least she brought the recycle bin in off the curb, which is a win I guess
  8. To the Clit post - They all know how to get a 4 year old to show you his dick though
  9. Academics not sold on DJT DJT stock hits turbulence: More volatility ahead for Trump's high-flying Truth Social https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/03/28/truth-social-trump-media-slide/73131957007/
  10. They do now. But they wouldn’t have had the same groove that made them The Stones without Charlie Watts.
  11. That may be true individually. But to me the thing about music is that when you bring the right pieces together 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 > 4. For the Beatles 1+1+1+1=~27. That’s the unexplainable magic that makes great music great. Individually is Lennon the third best? Maybe. Would they be The Beatles without him? No.
  12. I don’t want him to die because he can’t be beaten any other way. I want him to be beaten the old fashioned way. Losing by another 6 million votes in November is a good place to start. Then he can die a lonely old broke loser as God intended.
  13. G strings. Great on strippers. Terrible on Les Pauls.
  14. tbone_

    Getting old sucks

    Unclear at this point
  15. Not if you post pics of her cans
  16. I have a deal with my daughter. Make all the noise you want whenever you want trying to make music. Doesn’t bother me in the least. I suspect you did as well. You never know what might take. Mine has taught herself how to play piano. The other day she sent me a video of her playing Songs she sang in the shower. I nearly fell over.
  17. tbone_

    Getting old sucks

    I got a shoulder replacement coming before too long.
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