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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. It means that you should condemn others for sinful lives while you are buttfucking little boys on the down low.
  2. Re: Chuck Mangione - always loved the guitar solo in the song Feels So Good. Homeboy just rips on that fat Gibson at 1:30 in this video. Not that the cameraman had a clue.
  3. True. Our system has always been that way re rich vs poor people. But those in power used to have to actually deal with disgrace. See Nixon, Richard Milhous. To me, that’s what’s changed. There used to be some sort of line that couldn’t be crossed. But not anymore. I don’t get it. We tolerate shit from this asshole that I wouldn’t tolerate from a 7 year old.
  4. All relevant comments. I was able to look past that stuff and just generally enjoy it as a good whodunnit. And yes she it hot af
  5. Look at the change in value of the NFL franchises over that period. That’s your explanation.
  6. You should absolutely pay attention to the lyrics to Taco Grande. Pure genius.
  7. I don’t think y’all are paying attention. His plan is to become Putin. Get “elected” forever, steal money from the economy, pure power for power’s sake because he thinks he can/deserves it/whatever. And we’re probably about to let him.
  8. I thought Fool Me Once was pretty good.
  9. Probably the back room. No too different from the basement in Dallas where they did some epic shows in their early days. Although by 93 they were getting bigger.
  10. I’m gonna guess marriages that suck, Alex.
  11. Correlation does not equal causation. Your conclusion is still correct though.
  12. That’s a fucking lie. He knew.
  13. Yea I left out that I did give it what I thought was an honest try over the last few days. Couldn’t get it to take.
  14. I did not. What is that?
  15. Is this an honest question?
  16. Singed the front of my hair doing this at a party in hs. That was fun to explain.
  17. I’m aware that Imma hates tapa and doesn’t want to support it. I also don’t care and I’m going to use it if it works because, like many others as well documented in this thread, I find it easier to use. Insult me all you want, call me stupid, call me a boomer, whatever the fuck makes you feel good. DGAF. It is working for me now and I appreciate whatever caused that to happen. My question though for anyone that can or wants to answer: I now see ads on it which I never did before. Wondering how to get rid of those if possible. Is it a surly thing or a tapa thing? I’m sure I’m just a dipshit, I get it. But at least one legit answer would be appreciated.
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