The running beef I have on our lake that started a few years ago with all the newbies coming here is the peeps that decide the best place to float and swim is right in the middle of the lake by the damn. We are on a small lake so this puts them right in the middle of all the traffic, toobs, surfers, etc. Not just off the edges or back behind areas coves buoyed off for boating. If you look around, you would notice where all the other boats that are just floating/swimming are parked. It pretty obvious. I had this one guy literally swimming across busiest part of the lake. I barely caught his small head popping above water and it freaked me out how easy it would be to run him over, again, this is a small lake. I stopped to tell him what he is doing is extremely dangerous. He just waved me off. We didn’t see him a bit later and I was convinced he had indeed been run over and I was sick to my stomach. We did end up seeing him. That was crazy.