The last question was the worst part of the debate for me. Wallace asked if we were going to have a free and fair election and something about not declaring victory until an independent consensus had emerged about who was the winner and Trump went on a crazy person rant. Same question to Joe Biden and Biden looked into the camera and answered "yes, go vote, you have the power to determine the outcome of this election". I thought it was a good moment for Biden and a pretty horrible preview of what November is going to be like.
Biden had a genuine moment admitting that Hunter had a drug problem but said he was better now. Trump, of course, would lie about such a thing and deny it. It wasn't a policy discussion but it showed me that Biden is able to admit to misfortune and have a positive mindset that the future can be better than the present.
About Tech 2008 or whatever game you thought was worse, football is a rough game with lots of emotion. And yet we have refs that throw flags and the players may say that a call is bullshit but they still abide by the ref's call. Maybe we need that in the next two debates. If you are being an asshole during the other person's time, it's a personal foul. A little yellow flag flies in and you have to move your podium back 15 yards. Using that standard, they would be fishing Trump out of Lake Erie right now.