Crazy idea ... maybe there is a reasonably moderate path to walk so long as cases start to drop and keep dropping. Somewhere between mask-free rave mode and staying in your bathroom covered in hand sanitizer.
Right now, cases in Texas are not dropping (which is bad) but the number of positive test results is low (around 5%, which is good). has our R number at 0.84 (good, less than 1, a path to no disease) but has it at 1.2 (moderately bad, a path to a big problem). The truth is probably in the middle somewhere. We have a problem and it it is likely slowly growing. Some projections show it slowing down in the future but right now the numbers are still going in the wrong direction. We are on a slowly rising plateau looking at two futures, one where cases slowly drop and one where they rise until they are out of control.
You, my fellow Texan, can help make the problem go away. Spread out, wear a mask when appropriate, and wash your hands. You don't have to, but if you do it will help. Stay home if you feel sick and especially if you know you have come in contact with someone who has it. Not forever, but for a little while. Ask your neighbor how they are doing. They might be sad, lonely or just need someone to run to the store. A five minute chat across a front yard might cheer them up.
Every little thing you do reduces the chance that one person will infect another person, which reduces the size of the problem. It keeps that R number just a little bit lower which makes the problem go away faster. Doctors and nurses have less emergency work to do in a less risky environment and can work more on the other problems we have. You'll never know if you saved the life of a kid or a grandma, but maybe you did.
I see a risk in our polarized society that we will start choosing extreme paths on one side or the other, regardless of the data, based on which leaders we like. And that we will be too critical of each other for being on the other side. I would instead ask you to do what you are willing to do and watch those case numbers. If they are not dropping, consider doing more until they are.