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  1. That would be Al4ISU’s grandfather. Brat was born around that time, I think.
  2. Thought that was Saran Wrap for a second.
  3. Correct your spell check was a real prick thing to do, and it’s bothered me today. I am sorry. I had a joke to go with the correction, but didn’t get it posted.
  4. Do I look like I boycott Super Bowl food?
  5. You’re making my eyelid twitch. Not bothering to read and decide before yaking it up has almost cost my mother-in-law her life. More than once. And it seems like this is genetic, unfortunately.
  6. They’re putting way too much other shit on those sandwiches.
  7. I try to do all the things that my dad did right, and not do the things he did wrong. Some days are better than others.
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