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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. Damn, Irish- that looks delicious.
  2. Snitches get stitches, kid.
  3. Steve Kerr could hit a half-court shot on a regular basis.
  4. Night, night little homie.
  5. Damn fine artist right there.
  6. I am sober and I don’t remember the last time I paid for a drink. “I’m sober, how about a Diet Coke?” Or “I’m the driver tonight, could I have an iced tea please?” Bartenders and waitresses are cool as shit. If I ordered one of those fancy mocktails I would expect to pay full price for the stupid thing. That shit ain’t free for them, either.
  7. I wonder how he feels about National Socialism.
  8. Not sure I’ve ever seen someone quote themselves before.
  9. Go on.
  10. How do they track that? Just a random survey?
  11. They’ll actually like it that low. What they won’t like is the reflection off of the basement door mirror.
  12. And we did that without the internet or text messages.
  13. Oh man. ☹️
  14. Nope. She’s way too pretty.
  15. Interesting setup. How do you keep the fillings from falling out when the sandwich is finalized?
  16. I assume calling your wife “Boo” was the embarrassing part?
  17. This is my very favorite scene in the movie. Like “Christmas Vacation” when Clark’s light bulbs get smashed by bags of dog food- not a word spoken.
  18. Checking Amazon…. edit: $26.00.
  19. Would love to see Jason Isbell there, but it’s right during my calving season.
  20. ^^^^ No sir. She and Ryan were the best couple on the show.
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