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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. This might be the best take you’ve ever posted on Surly.
  2. Your mom would. “Bulldongs”.
  3. Who gives a shit? Isn’t that a compliment to you guys that they don’t want him there?
  4. Where’s Eddie? He usually eats those goddamn things.
  5. Your unselfishness paid you back.
  6. This one was real. Saved Sbbruin’s life.
  7. Would swap Free Bird for Simple Man just because Simple Man reminds me of my maternal uncles and them taking me fishing when I was a child.
  8. Ztejas, you would bring a lot of humor and youthful insight to our AA thread. We would love to have you. ❤️
  9. Boop.
  10. That’s nice that they rescued the people but what about that skid steer?
  11. I gave up hunting a long time ago but you’ve got me ready to buy one of these!!
  12. Does the overly-enthusiastic coach get to stay?
  13. I try my very, very best to use gratitude and be thankful that we can afford to host in-law meals. My mother-in-law is even thoughtful enough to request the menu. You know…that way I never have to worry about what to cook.
  14. Handcruser, here’s your man.
  15. Oh, like a dick!
  16. Ah, yes. The most peaceful three hours of the year.
  17. I prefer White Mountain four quart. I have a six quart that was a gift but the diameter is too large (that’s what she said!) and the ice cream in the middle doesn’t freeze. It’s my extra if needed.
  18. One of my hobbies is homemade ice cream. I use the old style hand-crank models. I try to get my chocolate to suspend in strawberry, so I use a cheese grater to flake a couple of semi-sweet chocolate bars and then mix that in my strawberry ingredients. Pretty, pretty good.
  19. 17 if you post your address.
  20. Hey, what are you guys doing out here? Want a ride?
  21. Now goddamn it I graduated from both of these fine institutions.
  22. I bet the pilot just made his last joke about the second mate’s morally loose sister.
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