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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. Undefeated. ❤️
  2. “And Surly’s still pissed about something.”
  3. You complete me.
  4. Eat the squirrels next time.
  5. Supposably
  6. How about a bank safe? My local guy died before we could do anything with mine.
  7. Do you guys really have an Interstate 69?
  8. Shut the door. Were you born in a forest??!
  9. My main pickup is a 3/4 ton crew cab with an 8’ bed. It is the last longbed I will ever own.
  10. Better than average, apparently.
  11. That guy seems really, really high-maintenance.
  12. May we have the beginning of the story please?
  13. I appreciate your self-awareness. As I hit this paragraph I thought “Which one of these ISN’T you…?
  14. “On holiday”.
  15. One of our rescues puked his guts out for a couple of weeks after we got him. Vet asked some questions and decided it was just nerves. Must have been correct because the dog is still alive. We just rode it out and kept the carpet cleaner handy.
  16. Dude- you’re not even new here. I thought everyone knew that Mrs. JW is beautiful.
  17. And then remind him that you fucked his mom.
  18. They didn’t have a headrest for the dying person? That seems really cruel.
  19. Ten posts up, man. Goddamn.
  20. Is this like the Blues Brothers using 1060 West Addison?
  21. First you need a bigger boat.
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