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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. My best friends from law school are at the game. I flipped the channel to watch, ISU scored and cut the lead to 10 so I flipped it back to Georgia/ Ole Miss. My strategy worked.
  2. What we’ve got here, is a Turducken.
  3. Hopefully a sandwich for Luna you selfish bastard.
  4. Tell him to avoid reading Surly.
  5. Probably so, but we made life pretty hard for our parents. I am very grateful that my siblings, my parents and I are very close now. It sure wasn’t that way 30 years ago.
  6. If you think you have a quarterback controversy now, wait until next year.
  7. Yep. Many kitchen-table talks. “If you boys tell us the truth you won’t be in trouble.” Two minutes later my brother and me are being whipped with an extension cord.
  8. Why couldn’t she make that decision for herself?
  9. We’re a fickle bunch.
  10. “Ain’t Talkin’ Bout Love” for us.
  11. President Bartlett made me want to be a better person. Of course I was in college at the time and usually fucked that up within 48 hours, but it’s the first and only time a tv show has ever done that for me.
  12. President Obama was the first time I voted democrat for anything, and I was a young man at the time. He just seemed…..presidential.
  13. Cute nurse at least?
  14. This looks outstanding.
  15. Oregon Trail, yo.
  16. We’ve been internet friends all these years and I never had you as a guy who washed his hands after using the restroom. I’ll be damned.
  17. One year I was unable to go to my parents’ house for Christmas. Three different friends and their wives invited me to their respective Christmas dinners, and I’ll be goddamned if they all three weren’t at different times. I wore my stretchy pants. One of my favorite Christmases ever.
  18. Why would it stop two yards before he scores? I would like closure.
  19. or The Dukes of Hazzard.
  20. What a great song.
  21. Never heard of it before.
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