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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. Nobody likes a dentist anyway.
  2. Couple of years ago my family was together, and Dad asked my siblings and I to meet with him in the dining room to talk about his estate planning. We thought it was going to be something emotional and important. He told us that his goal is to bounce the last check that he writes in his life.
  3. I thought that was a horse on a chair
  4. I have no idea- you’re the one that said you’re making tiny fish balls.
  5. How small are a tuna’s testes?
  6. You’re happy for him, correct? Not he/him.
  7. Love Shack.
  8. You’re going to be sad that he cured cancer?
  9. That’s a respectful way to pose the deer. Never seen that before.
  10. So did we.
  11. My great-great grandfather was the first one of our family to come to America. His tombstone is here, and I visit it from time to time. It’s printed in German.
  12. If it was up your ass you’d know where it was.
  13. It’s a nice idea, but I am not putting much faith in nature experts that don’t know the difference between deer and elk.
  14. Pretty soon you’ll be old and dead. You have a wonderful family. Let her live with you. ❤️
  15. I thought he was just bragging about it raining at his house.
  16. I hope you let her come over for thanksgiving.
  17. I have some uncles that would call that a damn nice fishing pole.
  18. No, I’m not, and I’m sorry if it came across that way. And I am on the board that manages our local cemetery. My suggestion was given because I was trying to weigh practicality with romanticism. That’s all.
  19. I’d get rid of the bench. It’s probably a royal pain in the ass to mow around, and the lawn dudes probably don’t give a damn about it. I think your township people had some decent points.
  20. You’ll know
  21. I did this for my dad and me too. Don’t do this.
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