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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. If you guys beat OU this weekend you win-….part of Oklahoma. Lol. Can you give it back?
  2. Hold on- I thought this was the thread where we insult him…?
  3. There are guys wearing Vince Young jerseys to Surly tailgates.
  4. My dad spanked my brother and me with an extension cord when we convinced my little sister that she was adopted, but the adoptive family brought her back to us after two days.
  5. Something that’s very frustrating to me is when people who can’t afford to have children…have children.
  6. Does he have to take off his hat first?
  7. In our family there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing.
  8. You all need Jesus.
  9. You self-centered son of a bitch. This is about us, too.
  10. You’re dating a grandma?
  11. It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission
  12. I enjoy his music when it comes across my radio, but I don’t follow him very closely and don’t know much about him. Have some friends who helped me out when I was in a bind, so I lined up tickets, hotel rooms, and transportation with the expectation that I was going to do everything I could to have a good time and enjoy the show. “Low expectations” wasn’t anything against Mr. Childers, just a recognition that I didn’t know much about the subject matter at hand. Was very, very impressed.
  13. Tyler Childers at Red Rocks last night. Just an awesome show. I went in with low expectations and loved every minute. There was almost a riot when he didn’t play “Feathered Indians”. He opened with eight or ten acoustic songs and then added the band. I have never seen an artist do that. I would have been ok if the entire show had been acoustic. His stage presence and mannerisms reminded me very much of Evan Felker- especially how he holds his arms when he sings, and how he doesn’t seem to make eye contact with the crowd.
  14. This is what happens when you shit at home and not at work.
  15. If you think I’m walking my fat ass uphill to her house in the rain, you’ve overestimated me.
  16. My little town has 1200 people, and our grocery store was a social spot. I can remember using their phone to call my grandmother to come pick us up, and hearing various people paged over the p.a. “Mr. Smith, your wife is on the phone for you.”
  17. I’d eat there.
  18. Growing up, we got to request our own birthday supper. My brother always chose spaghetti. Mine was liver and onions, and it was the one time each year that my mom made it. She said that it stank up the house for several days.
  19. I was the opposite. I found a secret shitter on the fifth floor of the law school library, and I treated that thing with the utmost reverence.
  20. It’s a packing town, and smells like it. It’s always struck me as kind of a dirty town, but I have also never been on campus, so he shouldn’t take my word for anything. Much like Tommy Boy.
  21. When my siblings and I were in high school our family had three or four old shitty pickups on our place. We’d drive one until it was almost out of gas, and then switch it out for a different one. My poor dad.
  22. Exactly what do you have against liver and onions?
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