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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. It took @troph going through her change/transition/whatever-it’s-called to open my eyes to maybe tranny jokes aren’t actually funny, and that every person on this fucking planet is a real, live human being. I am disappointed in myself that it took someone I “know” from the internet sharing their life in order for me to realize that, but better late than never, I guess.
  2. End of the Superbowl party too.
  3. You missed a great “your mom” layup.
  4. The dog doesn’t have thumbs. He’s out.
  5. My internet friends cross my mind a lot. When I make homemade ice cream, I think of Steel Shank. When a decent buck crosses my path I wonder what Deadshank would think of him, and when Don Williams comes across the radio, I think of you and your wife. Mostly I think about El Diablo and I hope he’s having a good afterlife.
  6. In a discussion a few weeks ago about arthritic dogs, someone suggested a tumeric paste. I make a homemade one that is messy as hell to make. Blue still limps, but does seem to have a lot more energy.
  7. Or 70k aggy. Worse than fire ants.
  8. Such a great stop on the road. Love them.
  9. Hey Honey, the guys on my website are talking about you!
  10. God, I hate that song.
  11. Hopefully you put down the goddamned phone and rubbed her feet. 😊
  12. My nieces would now have scoliosis, according to them.
  13. My dad loved Cheers, so by association we kids liked it too. As an adolescent boy, I thought Miss Howe was where it was at. However, as a man with a little experience, I now realize that Lilith’s prowess was probably underestimated.
  14. My favorite place to be is where no one knows my name.
  15. @South Austin, are you paying attention? This is how you correctly cite precedence.
  16. My advice would be to fix the recurring server issues before we get too worried about fancy advertising.
  17. When I was young my parents subscribed me to every outdoor magazine available- Field & Stream, Outdoor Life, Sports Afield, etc. In one of the question and answer sections, a reader said he was going on a moose hunt soon, and asked where the best place was to hit a moose. The editor wrote back- “Right next to a forklift.”
  18. I thought the people filming were bigger pricks than the Highway to Heaven guy.
  19. Coach Saban?
  20. Walnuts. They’re good in brownies, but not much else. Pecans are an acceptable substitute.
  21. Leave him the fuck alone.
  22. It gets cold up here on the plains.
  23. It gets cold up here on the plains.
  24. “It’s fake!” ”Mine’s real.”
  25. I found this note in a museum in Miles City, MT.
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