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Everything posted by CastHorn

  1. I also wonder how Sark feels about Card leading the team against two solid teams in Louisiana & Arkansas. I imagine those games will be decently competitive in-front of huge crowds. Casey at least has a small amount of meaningful reps at the college level & appears to be a more vocal leader. Man im ready for some football, I’m about to bodyslam my roommate through a China cabinet.
  2. Card does seem kind of awkward maneuvering the pocket or scrambling. If he’s a better athlete than Casey, he’s not as graceful. What happened to BJ Foster?
  3. https://instagram.com/stories/caseythompson_/2577220637936668107?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&utm_medium=copy_link Casey seems to always get some good work in often.
  4. As a studying anthropologist, I’ve always assumed there was singular root culture prior to many of the post ice age civilizations. Greece, Egypt, the Olmecs, Mayans and the Aztecs, the Basques from Spain, the Gauls from France, the tribes of the Canary and Azores islands, the Frisians from the Netherlands, Amerindian tribes etc. They all project similar customs, religious figures, and art almost as if they evacuated to different coastal regions of the world. It doesn’t really relate this this topic, but i think it’s very possible civilizations have come and gone for millions of years. Who’s to say one wasn’t able to avoid extinction?
  5. Probably. Although does it not seem more rational than an alien species traveling from another galaxy? You’re talking thousands of years of travel even if you’re moving at the speed of light. I think ego cements our idea that we are the pinnacle of innovation on earth in its entire existence. I don’t think innovation is a linear concept, I think it has existed in eras on Earth. Hell, we went from horse back to walking on the moon in about 60 years of industrialization.
  6. Expect every world government has been pretty open about their interactions with these things for decades except the U.S. & China until recently.
  7. These things have been documented in the literature, religious text, and art in some of the most ancient civilizations. I know “alien” has been historically used to describe the ability of these crafts but is it possible that they originate on earth? Maybe some kind of precursor race that predates mankind.
  8. I think Casey is going to be the guy based on deep ball consistency, off script ability & leadership qualities. Card seems like the better fit for the type of stuff they ran at Bama last season but he most likely won’t have a stable offensive line or receivers who create a lot of separation.
  9. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeVxGBKW/ Jake Smith Sighting.
  10. The defense is going to look the part hopping off the bus. Hopefully PK maximizes his pieces.
  11. Card looks kind of awkward when things break down. When it’s stable though, his execution is really crisp. Casey looks smooth but that red zone decision was garbage.
  12. Casey almost threw a similar pick 6 in the Colorado game.
  13. Card was firing them bitches for a while there. Casey seems more reliable though.
  14. Schooler got his ankles taken way too many times. Casey is very fundamentally sound.
  15. On paper, it doesn’t get much better than this staff. What would y’all rank it nationally? Top 5?
  16. I hope that report was inaccurate & fan backlash didn’t actually negatively influence a hire. Not a good look.
  17. Sark is hitting the media circuit like he’s about to drop an album next week.
  18. Alabama has a young defense without any elite elite pass rushers. They’ve developed into a pretty salty squad this season. Golding is familiar with Texas. I think we would be alright.
  19. This is a young Bama defense without any elite pass rushers. They look sound enough on defense. I think Golding would be fine.
  20. When I was in the 4th grade I took a field trip to the Blue Bell Plant in Brenham. I clogged on of the public toilets. I panicked and spammed the flusher. Water overflowed all over the floor. I felt like a criminal the rest of the trip.
  21. That would be as close to a Championship staff as we’ve had here in a long time. You’d be pressed to find better around the country. If Sark can come out guns blazing, I think we’ll fine.
  22. Or what? None of y’all know what’s going on. Sit back & observe lil hoe.
  23. I thought Cal was one of the better teams nationally on Defense the past few years. Why is Sirmon a C Tier Candidate? Hypothetically speaking.
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