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Everything posted by CastHorn

  1. It’s honestly shocking how mediocre we are. I was praying to every god in existence to not allow covid to take our season. I was so confident in the talent and maturity we have. Then we line up with Tech & I quickly notice how far away we still are.
  2. CastHorn

    Beat OU

    Who cares? They’re probably going to lose to Iowa State today. Nobody gives a fuck about two shitty teams flopping around for 60 minutes
  3. Get used to it. Unless we dramatically improve over night, this is the reality of every ball game from here on out. We might be able to breathe vs Kansas.
  4. https://instagram.com/elitecollegefootball?igshid=xzwatrxsluwa
  5. If y’all have Instagram, follow Elite College Football. It’s the biggest college football community on Instagram & it’s run by a UT student. He has Texas players on the live all the time. He had Bijan on yesterday. He’s live with Garrett Bolles & Calvin Anderson right now.
  6. Bijan is doing an interview with “Elite College Football” on Instagram. He said he’s fine.
  7. Christian Jones got beat pretty badly on that 3rd & goal play. Forced the overthrow. Has he been decent tonight?
  8. https://m.twitch.tv/kennyvaccaro Kenny LIVE on Twitch
  9. I’m glad Overshown is back. I don’t think he did anything but make corny tik toks all summer, he looks 205lbs wet.
  10. I don’t think you’re losing too much with that kid.
  11. Not to steer this thread off the rails, but what causes that type of behavior? Is it the tribal nature of man? Fear of different culture? Also I think we are in trouble if we don’t bring in another capable linebacker. I’ll believe Overshown can be a dependable OLB when I see it.
  12. I hope Overshown lives up to the hype. I have him on Snapchat. Right now he doesn’t look a pound over 205. All he does all day is post corny Tik Toks, like some really corny shit.
  13. I hope Overshown lives up to the hype. I have him on Snapchat. Right now he doesn’t look a pound over 205. All he does all day is post corny Tik Toks, like some really corny shit.
  14. I’ve always been curious about the perspective of those who are immediately dismissive of anything “unearthly”. It’s as if they are borderline offended by the topic. Is it because of the stigma surrounding the conversation or is it a genuine belief? Speaking from an open minded neutral position.
  15. https://youtu.be/k7E31Z8e_RY Check out this Eagles fan having a mental breakdown after the Hurts pick. Looked like a full on demonic possession towards the end.
  16. I’m curious how the pandemic is going to alter the way teams pick tomorrow night. They haven’t had a whole lot of hands on time with these prospects. A guy like Tua might fall because of all the uncertainty surrounding him. I’d take a guy like Eason in early 2nd over Herbert in the top 10.
  17. Clemson, LSU, North Carolina, Georgia, & Florida are all recruiting at an elite level. Might be time for Saban to take an NFL gig.
  18. Sort of unrelated to the team, but Kenny Vaccaro is a professional gamer in the off season. He hosts a twitch stream daily. He’s hosting a stream right now with Alex Okafor if y’all want to hop in there & support.
  19. Got to think the SEC would reach out to TCU if they get left out. They’d have just as much a presence in Texas as this new PAC West Conference.
  20. I think David Gbenda has a breakout season at middle linebacker behind one of the nations scariest defensive lines.
  21. Would you fuck a witch without a condom?
  22. Nah, It crosses my mind everytime I see your posts. It was one of the most disturbing corniest lines of dialogue I’ve ever laid eyes on.
  23. Y’all remember when @RomaVicta almost cried because of how much Kate was being objectified in the 2019 recruiting thread?
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