Friday morning wife is headed to Austin from Houston area to visit a friend. She was leaving at 8am. She took her mom’s car (newer and more reliable than mine and I need her’s because of car seats). I get a call at 8:24 that goes like this: Her: I’ve done a bad thing. Don’t get mad. Me: What? Her: (getting upset, but obviously driving) I don’t know how it happened and I think it’s really bad. Me: What is it? Her: I got in a wreck. In my mom’s car. I hit our neighbor’s new mailbox. Me: (long pause) That’s it? Where are you? Her: (said wherever on her way, seemed a lot farther than she should have been) [she went on how only daughter was home and left msg with neighbors wife and I would have to deal with this over the weekend] Me: What happened? Her: Don’t get mad I’m already upset. Me: I’m not mad, I’m asking what happened. Somehow she’s in the car in front of our house and starts entering her cousin’s new address into Waze. The car is rolling and she doesn’t realize it. When she does, car is either hitting the curb or hitting the mailbox. I couldn’t tell if the car was really in park or not. It’s an Acura MDX. My BIL who is very detailed was driving that car once and got out (also in front of my house). The car started rolling away and almost ran him over. He swore up and down it was in park. He hates the car. And I’m pretty sure it’s rolled after FIL has claimed to put it in park. So we discussed it, I got her to calm down before she continued her drive and she made it. Mailbox wasn’t that bad. I bent it back in place. Neighbor will probably want to replace it, and that’s fine. MIL laughed when wife called to tell her.