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Everything posted by kmac30

  1. If you have SAHM and not doing daycare, wait till you start hearing about mom’s day out.
  2. There’s a lady that comes by my office around Christmas time. Best damn tamales. Some fucking assholes called the building manager about a solicitor and had her run off. She didn’t come back last year. Those pricks moved out of the building.
  3. We have 6 yr old and twins that are almost 5. We almost took the plunge a year ago but the risk of twins was too high so we didn’t. All this baby sleep talk is such a whip. I can’t imagine going back to that phase. Good luck to you guys. I don’t remember any of this.
  4. The Woodlands also has a location at city hall. It was a lot easier than driving to the airport. I don’t think it’s open every day so you’ll need to check the calendar. Using GE with 4 yr olds is interesting. Customs gets a pic of the top of my head while I’m trying to get their finger prints to work out.
  5. Bump for reasonable offers?
  6. Nm... I’m evidently not paying attention
  7. My wife set up gmail accounts for our kids when they were born and we email them pics and videos now and then. We did it more for our first, then the twins happened. The email addresses came in handy when we set up global entry for them as they each needed an email for the registration online.
  8. It’s worth it. If you’re in or close to the woodlands you might check to see if they have availability to get you in that interview location. It’s new and only available a few days. No one knew about it when we got GE for our kids. Once you interview and get that approval it’s immediate. If you don’t have time get the Mobile PassportApp. Not many people use it yet and it follows the same path as global entry when you get back in the US. It seems to be pretty quick. Last, check with your credit card. It might cover the fee for GE. Mine does.
  9. Can I use a VPN on an AppleTV in Mexico and get all my apps to think I’m in the US?
  10. Phdhorn was talking about an inherited IRA, not a Roth
  11. I had to stop reading after paragraph 2. If you have an inherited IRA, the required distributions you get are not tax free. They will be taxed as earned income based on your taxable rates. If you would have taken it all out at one time (10k), it would have been like you making an extra 10k that year. Capital gains are not in this picture.
  12. In my backyard I have this patio area that is bricks. Weeds of all kinds grow. I pull them. I spray them. I need something that will get rid of them for the next 6 months. I’m selling my house sometime in that range and I don’t want to be dealing with it. *there is mortar for the most part between the brinks, not just dirt. They come up in the cracks that have formed. Any ideas?
  13. Triggered. 408C. Q drop! Never made it to D.
  14. I went to UT and somehow got into CS program 20 years ago. Huge mistake as I knew computers decently enough but I’m terrible at math. I couldn’t get past engineering calculus. Fuck that class. I spent so much time trying to figure that out I got behind on other classes. College got hard until I got a job for an online company and changed my major so I could graduate ASAP.
  15. From what I saw on the news last night it looked like a neighbor outed them.
  16. That’s tough news. Sometimes I feel as if everything is balancing on a needle and can tilt at the slightest. You just never know who or what it’s going to be.
  17. kmac30


    I know someone (older fellow - 82) who got a call that he had won the Publisher’s Clearing House 3.5M. All he needed to do was FedEx 9k in cash to some address. He couldn’t do 9k,but they agreed 4 would do. They told him it was going to be a surprise and not to tell anyone. So he went to an ATM and got a cash advance of 4K. Sent it. Called the guy and gave him tracking info. That guy informed him someone from Bank of America would be calling with the next step. He was to set up a Bank of America account and put some amount in there, 10 or 15k. That would show PCH it was active and they would wire to his account and taxes would be covered. I had to explain to him if he gave them the routing number and account number of an account with 10-15k, they could ACH it out. We called Bank of America and I asked if this guy worked there. The lady on the phone was really nice and confirmed he didn’t. It took a while but the old guy came around. Then he got in his head he was getting his 4K back. After a long talk we came to the realization that wasn’t going to happen either. I felt really bad. I had to get brutally honest with the guy. He came and saw me with his wife the next week. He had told her all about it. She was nice, but still gave him shit. “At 82 he’s still learning lessons the hard way!”
  18. Is there even a point to play those games?
  19. I cannot believe this thread keeps popping up. I guess I’m glad it worked out for you. Please let this shit die now.
  20. I’m in this boat right now. Looking at buying a house and we would need to redo kitchen, take out a wall, redo floors downstairs, turn some windows into doors, remove popcorn ceiling, master bath, the list can go on later. This is just the immediate list. 100-150k was where we were at. I keep feeling like we should just go buy a new house for 550k instead of starting at 350k and remodeling. My MIL keeps chirping about staying in the hood. I should ask what it’s worth to her.
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