It can’t be worse than suddenlink. Last fall my cable kept freezing. I did the normal reboot for s few days and that didn’t fix it. It was happening at the in-laws a couple blocks over as well. I call and the automated service said there is a known problem with your internet, is that why you’re calling? “No”. Ok then. Why are you calling? Cable. “Ok. Due to high call volume would you like to remain on the line or have someone call you back? To remain on the line press 1. To leave a number and have someone call you back press 2.” Hit 1 “goodbye” Called back. Same deal. Hit 2. “Goodbye” I was so pissed I must have done that 5 times thinking something would be different. Finally I went to the website and fired off a pissed off email. Got some bullshit reply 2 days later to call a number. I called and some girl answered. I explained the situation and the email. She had no clue what I was talking about. Looked at my account. Nothing. I told her “fine, I’ll just continue to be a very unhappy customer” her response “ok! Bye!”