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Everything posted by kmac30

  1. It can’t be worse than suddenlink. Last fall my cable kept freezing. I did the normal reboot for s few days and that didn’t fix it. It was happening at the in-laws a couple blocks over as well. I call and the automated service said there is a known problem with your internet, is that why you’re calling? “No”. Ok then. Why are you calling? Cable. “Ok. Due to high call volume would you like to remain on the line or have someone call you back? To remain on the line press 1. To leave a number and have someone call you back press 2.” Hit 1 “goodbye” Called back. Same deal. Hit 2. “Goodbye” I was so pissed I must have done that 5 times thinking something would be different. Finally I went to the website and fired off a pissed off email. Got some bullshit reply 2 days later to call a number. I called and some girl answered. I explained the situation and the email. She had no clue what I was talking about. Looked at my account. Nothing. I told her “fine, I’ll just continue to be a very unhappy customer” her response “ok! Bye!”
  2. Wife just pulled the golf cart in the garage in front of my car (had to go around my car). Cut it too close and now I have a large new scratch on my left front bumper. “I thought if your front made it by you were good” Followed by “I’ll get it out with a magic eraser tomorrow” It’s not coming out with a magic eraser. It’s gouged in.
  3. Glad someone mentioned Edith’s. I haven’t been to Cabo in years but this is my favorite place to hit up.
  4. I would do this but it’s our back door. We had a talk and the next kid to slam a door is going to have a problem. They’re 6 and 4(x2) and still learning.
  5. One thing I have said to my wife a few times lately, her dad is always yelling at people for slamming doors (I think I probably slam doors). Lately, I feel like I’m doing the same thing with my kids. In and out all day Long this weekend. Slamming the fucking doors. Sunday In the kitchen I look at her “now I get why your dad is always bitching about people slamming the damn doors.” [sLAM] “SLAMMING THOSE DOORS!”
  6. When I was in 9th grade I had skipped class with another guy. I dropped him off at the front of the school and pulled around to the back parking lot. It had been raining and I found a wad of wet money in the parking lot right next to my car. I originally thought it was a couple fifties and threw it in the car. I was a different person back then. I used to drive my neighbor home and when we got in the car I told him to count it. He kept separating bills out. Ended up to be $750.
  7. This seems serious. I want one.
  8. I will do everything in my power to not become my parents. I heard this quote last year and I say it all the time in context with them (with my wife) “Don’t let them make us become them.” I wrote about “them” on the other site a few times. They do things that drive us nuts and it can cause us to get down on their level. I will not become my parents.
  9. I just watched a bunch of video that just made me pissed of all over again.
  10. Busy this weekend. Like Christmas this morning!
  11. I think there’s a leak as well. They’re going out of town next week so I’ll try the bucket test. The pool is about to be resurfaced and there’s a known problem with the light. Maybe those two things will be a fix. I don’t think my FIL realizes what he’s getting into.
  12. Mentioned earlier in-laws bought a house with a pool. How often are y’all adding water to your pools? Theirs is dropping a couple inches every couple days and they think it’s normal. I grew up with a pool and don’t remember adding water every other day even in the dead of summer. Maybe I’m just not remembering correctly.
  13. Didn’t seem to work
  14. Taking my kids to visit my parents in Plano on Friday so this hits close to their home.
  15. I was home at lunch and the twins (4 yr old boy/girl) were having their lunch outside. Wife and I were talking inside. Son comes in to tell us something. ”I just wanted to let you know I needed to go potty and instead of coming in I went out in the yard” me: Ok, great. As far as I know this is the first time he’s done this. I had him go outside at his grandparents’ the other day while he was swimming so I guess he took a cue. Wife wasn’t really happy. I told her the dog does the same thing multiple times a day.
  16. Blonde in the video definitely worth the watch.
  17. WTF was she trying to accomplish?
  18. My kids eat pb and honey sandwiches almost daily. They love it. As for me, I had a pb and miracle whip this weekend. I thought of this thread and almost took a pic. I guess I will next time. It was good and it had been a while, so I’ll probably go again later this week.
  19. The pic I posted grows on the ground like that (the pic). Not tall. I guess I’ll clean it up and cover it up.
  20. It’s clover and that stuff. So should I put the fabric down or just go mulch? I don’t have much left to do (that I would be doing). I just really don’t want to. But if it will make a difference I will do it.
  21. It’s clover and some stuff that rides across the top that spreads like crazy and comes up easily (but you don’t get the roots). Small teardrop shaped leaf that alternates. Maybe this pic will share.. https://krismcdonald.smugmug.com/Other/95-Horatio/i-bJsFbDM/A
  22. I have guys coming in a couple days to put in mulch. I’ve always done this in the pst but i don't have time or the effortthis year. Guy told me weeds wouldn’t be a problem this year with the thick mulch. Ive always had problems with weeds in flower beds so this year i was in the process of putting down fabric. Should i say fuck it and stop or should i finish it iut because they’ll come through the mulch?
  23. This is amazing. Amazingly uncool.
  24. Tapa PITA. I hate when things don’t work
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