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Everything posted by kmac30

  1. What is a good pre emergent? I have been using barricade but it seems to suck. I need something that will keep crab grass at bay.
  2. Last time we went we had 3 strollers. We won’t have them this round. Can you carry backpacks on the rides?
  3. My wife is doing Keto I think and I’m tempted to join. Is it completely erasing carbs or can you squeeze a few in? Also, lets say I do this for a few months and hit my goals, do I have to keep going? Exercise would keep up.
  4. My wife is doing Keto I think and I’m tempted to join. Is it completely erasing carbs or can you squeeze a few in? Also, lets say I do this for a few months and hit my goals, do I have to keep going? Exercise would keep up.
  5. We booked in late Feb. After reading here and talking to someone who goes a lot about offsite locations, I mentioned it to her and I thought she was going to have panic attack. We looked into it, but in the end I told her to just figure something out. We’re staying at Bay Lake something in a 2 room villa. It has a kitchen and laundry machines so that will be solid. I can pack in a backpack and just do laundry. Going to rent a car in case we want to do other things after parks close - I guess they’re closing earlier than before. 5-7? My kids are going to love it and we signed my son up for making light sabers. He will freak out.
  6. Love this. What color is that?
  7. A couple years ago I did a remodel and we replaced a few windows. I bought Lincoln (aluminum clad casement) windows from Detering in Houston. I’m now looking at replacing the rest. I am go back to Detering for the windows, but need an installer. Or, I can buy different brand that look the same (assuming they all look the same). Anyone have an installer in Houston area? Or ideas on finding similar?
  8. Thanks for the input. Staying offsite just seems more appealing to me since a lot of the stuff isn’t available. We had some friends go recently and I’ll have to check in how the park was. Looking at going during school days, so hopefully less crowded.
  9. Wife is pushing for WDW visit with capacity lower. I guess there’s a 35% off deal that she’s all about. Price was still pretty high for a 4 night stay (2 adults 3 kids). What are thoughts on a Vrbo and driving into the parks daily? Last time I was there I feel like the line to get in was long. No way it can be like that now. I’m hoping this will be our last visit to WDW, so I want to make it a good one. Any thoughts? Ideas? Stupid comments?
  10. My wife got a 23andme for xmas last year and hasn’t done it yet. She really wants me to do it because she thinks I’m not related to anyone in my family (I look like one of my uncles so I figure she’s wrong). But what if she isn’t? I’m not sure I really want to know. It would explain a few things though.
  11. I think the light alone was $4500. Scratch looked deep (cannot believe I didn’t get a pic when he pulled up). Don’t know if that matters. Drove it around a bit and the light didn’t seem to have any effect (as if I would have noticed). Fun car. Beats the hell out of the driving experience my suburban provides.
  12. Brother in law bought a 2018 Ferrari 488 spider last Monday. Picked it up in San Antonio and was driving home to Houston. Stopped at bucees. Came out and there was a truck sitting by him writing a note. Guy didn’t see the car, backed into it. Broken headlight and scratch on front right bumper. He’s lucky the guy stuck around. 3 hours into owning it, $14k damage. I think he took it in Tuesday to get fixed.
  13. Frost is also very solid with home construction loans.
  14. I’m going to miss this thread at work on Monday. I learned a little, I laughed, I cried. Goodbye and Good Luck
  15. Man, when I lived in NYC my dog loved the snow. We were a few blocks south of Central Park and We went for a walk late night during blizzard in 2005. He was snow plowing all over the place. So much fun. I’ll have to find those pics. In other happenings, our Elf got jacked this morning. I knew last night when my wife placed him it was a bad spot. Penny kept checking him out. The criminal The victim
  16. You used to have to have 2257 identification verification and keep those docs handy in case there was an issue. The producer would need them and the owner. I don’t know why Pornhub wouldn’t need them as well if they are hosting.
  17. People can deflect from that and say, 'oh no, this isn't it at all,' but if one keeps at it from that angle, it can sow a little doubt if one does it with humor... Otherwise, distract, distract, distract.... Yes. My mom. Sister isn’t a Q believer. My parents are still married. My mom is not the smartest (and that’s ok). My dad has always been a pretty smart guy (UT grad). I don’t think he is a Q believer but when I bring up my mom he scoffs at it. My sister lives around the corner from my parents so she sees them often. I told her this weekend I thought mom is showing signs of dementia. She doesn’t think so. I think she’s too close and or just not open to seeing it. I don’t believe my mom is sending anyone money. She has always been a nosy Nancy and digs through facebook and the net to find old people/friends and see what they’re doing. She’s always asking about random people I went to high school with “what is Brian up to?” (I don’t know. I haven’t thought about that guy in 20 yrs). Part of me wants to call her and discuss the last few days and how nothing happened. But I really don’t want to hear any more of this nonsense. I read an article about dealing with family Q and the more I try to show her how wrong she is, the more evil and uninformed she sees me. And I think that’s true. She told my sister recently that I’m just so uninformed about what’s going on in this country, but I have young kids and we’re so busy. My mom has been addicted to the internet for a handful of years now. She told me about waking up at 2 am and getting online, laying in bed thinking about something/someone so she would get online to figure it out, etc. That, I’m assuming, lead to finding crazy stories that you can find a way to make sound legit. Once one does, then another kind of does and so on. I posted earlier about how I realized all of this a couple months ago. My sister said it’s been going on for a while. I could go on about my mom but it’s not worth the time.
  18. I have debated taking this approach. Previously a lot of “stuff” was supposed to happen on Nov 4th. Obviously it didn’t or hasn’t and isn’t. I just know she’s going to have some deflecting answer. Pretty sure she thinks I’m with the evil side now. When I was reading this my initial thought was “this is a joke, she’s fucking with me now.” Then I spoke with my sister and she and her husband got the same “info.” It’s just so far out there and unrealistic. The people coming up with it are now just fucking with the believers.
  19. I just got a text from my mom that linked to a tweet. First part said something about POTUS being born on an eclipse. Then dates tomorrow and Monday. I asked her to stop sending this stuff. She took it as “never send me a text again”. Awesome.
  20. Son is 7, lefty. I need to find him a new glove. Any recs out there? Coach pitch, he’s playing pitcher, 2nd, 1st and outfield.
  21. Already seeing it. I work with a few estate attorneys and one sent an email to start considering options. He’s charging $1k for the meeting (where you may or may not need to make changes). I was a little put off by the email because he’s a fantastic atty and his firm has helped a bunch if people I know (including me).
  22. Going to throw this in because there isn’t a softball thread (or I missed it). Girls wrapped up the fall last night. We placed 3rd. Had some chances to take first but we have too many slow girls (it’s amazing how slow). I’m not the coach, but I pitch during games. This was my daughter’s 2nd season of playing and her development has been awesome. She’s tiny, but has a great swing and hits some bombs. Hate to say it this way, but throws like a boy (better than just about all of my 8u boys team). She has really taken to the game (to my wife’s dismay). Walking off the field she looked pissed, so I told her she played great. She bust out crying and says they lost because she didn’t make a play. Broke my heart. She was playing 1st and two throws got by her. When she was pitcher she didn’t have any opportunities to make plays (maybe 1). I told her she did everything she could and she left it all on the field, and that there was nothing she could have done differently that would have changed the game. Then she said “but it’s our last game.” She didn’t want it to be over. Again, broke my heart but made me feel so proud that she was so bought in. She’s 8u another year and wants to start practicing pitching so she can be successful in 10u.
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