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Everything posted by kmac30

  1. Thanks. I’ve already told my wife we’re not seeing them anytime soon and I don’t want her around my kids (we have always gone long periods without seeing them). Covid is a great excuse for some things. My sister claims mom wouldn’t say anything in front of the kids. From my past experiences with her, I do not trust her.
  2. I have 3 young kids (8,7,7). My mom spoke with my sister yesterday. She told her I didn’t know anything going on with our country, but that I have young kids and sports that keep us too busy to realize.
  3. Nothing about that. Only religiousness was Pope leading the evil side.
  4. Debated posting in here because a) it’s not a board I frequent and b) there’s a lot of crazy out there. But here it is. I found out on Sunday that my mom is a huge Qanon follower. At first I thought she was fucking with me, then it got pretty crazy and I realized she is so far down the hole I don’t know what will get her out. Few topics: * this election is good vs evil * trump is going to lead the new world order in the right direction * the pope is the leader of the evil and Catholics across the world are going to commit suicide when they find out * Hilary Clinton was a man, she is dead now, and what we see are her clones (there are 6 of them) * RGB was a man. She did not die of natural causes but was killed * the earth is flat. Not sure she believes in gravity. * no man has ever stepped foot on the moon. (Didn’t get a real answer on whether the moon is real or not) * JFK Jr is alive and leading the good behind the scenes * Michael Jackson was really a good person. He was framed and murdered. His Neverland ranch is in the shape of a Q * there will be a new financial system soon (was supposed to be unleashed Sept 1 but hasn’t yet) * NESARA (national economic security and reformation act) is going to be enacted by Trump - it is going to be so beautiful * I only see what they want me to see (no one knows who they is) * there are tunnels all over the world and they are used to traffic children. Trump has been blowing them up. He has also gotten every country to sign a treaty against il trafficking except China. * when you are born you get a birth certificate. On there is a number. All of that information is sent to the Vatican. They sell it for gold to cabals. * the gold used to do this comes from our government - from the taxes we pay * there are tunnels that go down 800 miles into the earth. There are cities down there with people living in them. Pretty sure they are good people * she sent me a video called Above Majestic. It’s insane. * masks are all about control (govt control, not controlling the virus) That’s all I can remember for now. It was an hour long conversation. She kept telling me how little I know about our country. She also kept telling me that I couldn’t share anything she sends me because I am not a believer (I’m not in the cult). My mom is always right (I have never heard her admit she was wrong - she’s wrong a lot). She is so certain she is right in all of this. She changes past stories to fit her narrative. She is not the smartest out there. She claims she “feels” events happening before they do. She has always been a nosy lookie loo. She has been addicted to the internet for some time now (handful of years?). We have not had a good relationship since I was 18. I cannot stand being around her for longer than 24 hours. My dad is a smart man, but doesn’t wear the pants in that house. I am assuming he lets her go along so he’s not ruffling feathers. I choose to believe he knows it’s all bullshit (for now and until I know otherwise). ;:tldr; my mom is a QAnon crazy
  5. I’ve seen guys wade out as far as they can go and toss. Kayaks. Or recently I saw a couple guys with drones. They flew them out a few hundred yards, dropped bait, and flew back.
  6. I know a family that decided to have as many kids as they could handle after their first or second was born with Downs. They want to make sure he has someone to take care of him when they pass away. Right now I think they have 6. I don’t know their financial status and hate to assume, but I’m pretty sure things are tight. And to add, we have 3 (one set of twins). We had always talked about 3 or 4 and after twins, put a lid on it. A few years ago, as things were getting easier, we discussed another but we could never pull the trigger.
  7. I have the Chapin hose end sprayer. I’m trying to spray Bifen XTS at .15 fluid oz per 1000 sq ft. What setting do I put the sprayer on? (This is my attempt to kill the sod webworms)
  8. Instead of just going with flipper contractor, I think the better lesson was to get multiple bids on your project. Just me, but I’ve seen some flips that were terrible quality work.
  9. Dang. That’s intense. Guess I’ll be busy. Thanks
  10. I have sod webworms. They’re all over my neighborhood. Sprayed Bifen but that doesn’t seem to faze them. Any ideas? I might up the use and spray again this weekend.
  11. I’ve been fishing for reds a handful of times. Every time we were throwing towards a bank. I don’t know where we were, but we were in the middle of nowhere just throwing out.
  12. This is a good point. We ended up not paying for the bait. We were fishing for trout and reds. I have never fished for reds the way this guy as doing it, but he’s the guide who came highly recommended from a legit source.
  13. Went with some guys down to Corpus this weekend and had a guide. Put 14 dozen croakers in the live well. Got to first stop and half were dead. The rest were pretty damn close. Caught a couple throw back trout but other than that, nothing. I know everywhere is different, but this was just a weird experience. I’m fine getting basically shutout, but would at least like a fair attempt. The fish we caught were with the few really good looking bait (they lit up when we grabbed them). Is it just a bad time (guide kept talking about the full moon all week) or did we get jacked because of the bait?
  14. There used to be a billboard guy on here. I haven’t seen him around in a long time.
  15. We have a batting coach and have seen a dramatic change in hitting this year. We did the batting coach for a covid filler and it’s been amazing. The one thing that kills me is coaches trying to tell my kid where to put his elbows and feet. Thankfully my kid will tell them “this is how I was taught to do it.”(in a respectful way). My kid is also one that will never take instruction from me. And that’s ok.
  16. I have little kids, so any snake that has venom is out. I really wish I could find the copperhead in my backyard that bit my dog 2 weeks ago.
  17. I have another story like the Quiznos above. Friend had a smoothie place (Smoothie King I think). They made them remodel the store. Then, after the remodel was finished, corporate came in and said “wait, the line is supposed to start on the right, not the left”. They had to redo half of it to comply. Cost them a pretty penny. I believe they still have it, but they’re not happy owners.
  18. My oldest is in 3rd grade and has braces on her top teeth right nw. Something about needing space. I had them when I was young, too. She will need them when she’s older, but they should cost less and shouldn’t need to stay on for a long time. My teeth have all moved so I’m visiting my kids ortho next Tuesday.
  19. Steroid and Benadryl is what they gave us this time. She was just about good to go the next day. Lab that took it in the foot was fine after a day. Pretty amazing.
  20. This asshole was on my front porch Sunday evening. I was very tempted to post on nextdoor asking what kind it was.
  21. I had a lab get bit in the foot 5 years ago. Foot swelled up huge. I didn’t know anything about dogs and snake bites, so I went to emergency vet (10 pm). $600 later I left with tramadol. They were wanting to run all sorts of tests even though we were 99% sure it was a copperhead. I learned emergency vets have a checklist they have to run through. You can deny, but they don’t like it. When I left they made it sound like there’s was a large chance the dog might die. There wasn’t. Same lab got bit in the face a month later and we knew what to do. (Also killed the snake on that one). This last one was odd because there was a lot of swelling in the extra skin down her front neck. She either got bit twice or everything settled there from her nose.
  22. It’s been a couple weeks, but Penny met a copperhead in the back yard on 9/10. Right on the nose. Quick vet visit for some drugs then off to the beach the next day. First time on the beach. Also took the new one. She didn’t get in the water as much as I expected, but she loved digging in the sand.
  23. Just catching up here, but I read this story a few days ago. Heart wrenching. https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2020/09/the-desperate-fight-to-save-his-family-ends-in-tragedy.html
  24. I haven’t priced Azores in a while, but I cannot imagine that is economical.
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