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Everything posted by Haphap

  1. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/jan6-rioter-held-canada-antony-vo-1.7442444
  2. so the HBO CEO of Tits position been reinstated
  3. There is nothing special with the storyline of Lost in Translation. The high ratings is undeserved
  4. She warned him and the staff, if they insists on kissing on the lips, she cannot guarantee not throwing up on his mouth or orange face
  5. there were no lambs on that one Jodie Foster movie
  6. Did not win him over. Also lady in the left reaction
  7. He did not, since it is an actual prayer from a Catholic prayer book from the late 1800s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prayer_to_Saint_Michael#In_the_Leonine_Prayers
  8. the grip is behind, so I wondering what is he holding onto
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