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Everything posted by Haphap

  1. funny recap http://chrysreviews.com/index.php/2019/04/22/game-of-thrones-season-8-episode-2-review/
  2. I bet he would love details about Tormund's story of giants breastfeeding ten year olds, to the extent of finding out her whereabouts
  3. and to think , all Ae(Jon) ever wanted was to be a ranger and he did not get it.
  4. or he has not moved from that spot when Jon, etc marched to Winterfell till Jaime arrived. He been waiting for an old friend all that time
  5. I figured Tyrion's statement in Season 1 about doubling the price, if Bron is tempted to sell him out, will get a callback this season
  6. Locke is the name of the person who cuts off Jaime's hand The answer to the two other questions are spoilers,
  7. tonight!
  8. I just realized that actor that played Hazel was also Ed Kemper in another Netflix series, Mindhunter
  9. who is the blonde?
  10. Go back to the Jared that gives snippets of his dark past, instead of this Jared that intimidates subordinate
  11. This season will be the last one on SyFy http://deadline.com/2018/05/the-expanse-canceled-syfy-after-three-seasons-to-be-shopped-1202388026/
  12. now I want to know what is this "Work" being referred to Also tense last 10 minutes
  13. that is what I thought it was too.
  14. Last night episode moved the plot along in multiple ways. The UN Speech scene was great. Particularly how the unexpected change is the turning point for Anna. I cannot wait for Errinwright to get his comeuppance.
  15. This was after Williams first trip in Westworld, the next scene you saw Logan outside and he was already moping from being not the top man of the company anymore.
  16. With advances in animation we have right now, watching The Neverending Story and The Last Starfighter does not hold up anymore Also seeing movies made in the 80s and with setting supposedly several decades into the future, and yet you see computers with CRT monitors and video payphones seemed out of today in restrospect
  17. the German language-d mini series Charite' is good
  18. 7 years ago, this happened
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