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Everything posted by Spidey

  1. Two daughters. Oldest is currently a Junior studying Mechanical Engineering at UT. Youngest is applying now. UT is her top school and she is also applying to Mechanical. Somebody stressed the essays on this thread and the old one. During our campus tour for the oldest, they stressed it as well during the Engineering school session. They simply stated getting in to Engineering is not automatic. The essay matters more than people think and every year valedictorians and salutatorians call the school trying to understand how they did not get into the school of Engineering. Our family has invested many hours in these essays. She is applying to several backup schools. UH, Lamar, UTD. Possibly UNT, UTSA and Texas Tech. Expect better scholarships and not sure what would be the best fit in that case. We were going to drop an application for aTm, but the application was kind of creepy. Lots of questions about why you want to be an aggie and what activities had you done on the campus. I didn't say anything. She looked at me and said they seem like a cult. Perceptive.
  2. PM sent looking for 2 Tix.
  3. I can still hear you
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