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Everything posted by Shaggy3.0

  1. now i've seen it all. a "fight" with a single missed punch and no beat down. both guys were in the hs band or wut?
  2. We just need a wild card spot. Then play hard and cross our fingers.
  3. Hmmmm.....i see what you see there. I would also tear dat ass up without regerts.
  4. So that 1B Abreau fuck Ks to end the inning then can't stop the ball down the line to look at a double. useless
  5. I guess. But I'm kinda running out of years. Long in the tooth.
  6. Big Brass Balls comeback. Team never gave up. If they win tomorrow, they should go deep in Omaha. They're building a late-season formula of badassness. Oh and let's not lose sight of the fact Stanford as a smug. meathead fucker named Bruno. Yea, dude probably doesn't think he lost that game.
  7. Well look on the bright side. She's available.
  8. Yup. I'm prohibited from booting up outside the contiguous 48. Reason: strict data privacy requirements. But hey, I can lift the privacy protector on the macbook to impress MILFs at the airport. I have that going for me. FB groups? Sure that's not being tracked ..lolol
  9. i hate losing.
  10. Data regulation and compliance also come into play. Every business creates, consumes, updates, and stores data. There may be laws / industry regulations for data access, origin of network connectivity, etc. Digital nomads live a hard life : )
  11. Paging FitLump. She can Harvardsplain it to us plebes.
  12. Better thread title: What the fuck is wrong with you, Canada?
  13. I guess that 19% of the time stuff just happened.
  14. told ya'll aggy would choke. yesterday's temporary lead didn't head fake me. lolololol
  15. sounds like aristotle couldn't handle two rounds with a the ladies. we have pills to handle that little problem.
  16. I think we earn a wild card spot, then make a deep playoff run. We'll get hot at the right time--when it matters.
  17. gonna be funny when stanford wins the regional.
  18. JSD sounds like an austin newb. Meza is a long-time problem around these parts. Dude's been a problem for several decades. Multiple parts of the system failed here.
  19. Yeah buddy. Best thing to do for AWS is to earn "All 3" associates, then hit the professional stack. I'm hitting the specialties ATM. Trust me, you won't regret the hard work and effort.
  20. guard chick gonna get some new taco meat 2nite.
  21. Any update here? Is she sloppy, fat, hot, tight, uglier, gracefully aged, fappable, non-fappable--anyone hit it? Need a ruling.
  22. From Stanford all the way down to Bryan/College Station. That's quite a fall.
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