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Everything posted by Shaggy3.0

  1. LOL. Classic Rick Barnes. Glad he's gone.
  2. But it's not your father's Buda/Kyle anymore. Shit's changed.
  3. It's a special type of BBQ. And you always finish your meal with fresh cannolis, ya dig?! Just trying to lighten the mood. I'm drinking all weekend with some Accenture peeps. They had a feeling cuts were imminent. And yup: Accenture cuts 19,000 staff globally By Ruiqi Chen, Editor at LinkedIn News Updated 11 minutes ago Accenture is laying off 19,000 employees worldwide — about 2.5% of its workforce — and consolidating office space as it seeks to shrink costs amid rising economic uncertainty. The Irish-American consulting giant said the layoffs will mostly affect employees in in back-office or non-client facing roles; it expects to spend US$1.2 billion on severance over the next 18 months. A slowdown in client spending has hit other consultancies: KPMG recently announced it was cutting 2% of its U.S. workforce and McKinsey is reportedly considering eliminating 2,000 jobs.
  4. Alright guys. Look. If we all go broke, we go broke together. Insolvency isn't the worst thing, right? Tell you what. When Depression 2.0 begins, I volunteer to BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers at the Buda Park every Saturday. BBQ is better than soup lines, amirite? Just come on down and I'll have the grill ready to go. Bring your own condiments tho. And don't question the meat.
  5. McK involved. The bank is digging a bigger hole. And this tweet response had me lolz. Exemplifies do-nothing buzzword non-sense that created the current shit fest. Eolie Tradewinds @eolietrader · 4h Replying to @laurenthomas Great idea. Time to ideate outside the box. A deep dive into the core competencies so they can strategize disruption in the space. A couple of dialogs off-line, with some brainstorming break outs to see how much bandwidth they have to move the needle. I like it. HAHAHHAHAHA, Poppycock.
  6. I see this a lot in tech. Companies want to keep a "candidate bench" ready for productivity gaps. Problem with this strategy: you weed out many good candidates because tech interviews have very little structure (other than algos and system design ???s). Good luck to everyone.
  7. Sure. Print your own money. Let us know how it goes.
  8. I thought EP was known for public *mountain hillside* hand jobs? https://utep.forums.rivals.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F2fcb95a3c40e9085621dfacba0ae9d27%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D13736151&hash=2961e6bab9f2968904a98ac20bb85f88 Good girl.
  9. Surly bangs 10s. Does RT bang 10s? If so, sign him up.
  10. Actually, it's a good look---at the stupidity and stubbornness within the ruling class. She's too old and not eloquent, like Mark Baum. But at least she's telling the truth--the poors about to get screwed again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu2wNKlVRzE&t=62s "I have a feeling, in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people" -Mark Baum That process started months ago.
  11. senile and stupid. the BEST this country can produce. we're fucked.
  12. And lulz at the idea I listed skills for an average programmer. No doubt, technology will replace entry-level code skills held by self-taught, code bootcamp grad, and average computer science students equipped with l33T frAm3werkz coding skills. But that's about it. And as for navigating internal politics--good luck with that. Let's see if it can keep track of the names and badges for each C-suite mistress of the month. Will it organize access badges for "Candi", "Bekka", or "Tamee"? Don't think so. And I doubt AI can drive inside baseball talk for those that matter.
  13. aggy: hahahahhahahahahhahhaaha hahahahhahaha
  14. Well if it helps. My recommendation is to stand up your CDP: get a Twilio Segment account. It will simplify your life. Then build your real-world and digital marketing around it. I use it for my businesses. Good luck
  15. First Republic gets $30B rescue By Jessy Bains, Editor at LinkedIn News Updated 7 minutes ago Eleven banks deposited $30 billion at First Republic on Thursday afternoon, in a government-backed bid to bolster the ailing lender and boost confidence in the U.S. banking system. Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup each contributed some $5 billion, while Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley kicked in $2.5 billion a piece. First Republic had seen its shares crater following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, as investors worried over its high level of uninsured deposits. The regional bank’s stock closed 10% up after the rescue package was announced. The banks' uninsured deposits will have to stay at First Republic for at least 120 days. Money regional bank depositors transferred to a "Too Big To Fail Bank" is now return deposited to the original troubled bank? Are we back to where we started? My head hurts.
  16. Pretty much this. Design patterns, experience, and wielding your AI sword will future proof any aspiring code ninja.
  17. I think the lawyers who devise rules and regulations for the AI industry will own the lawyers and firms that use AI.
  18. HAHA. We'll that explains why I'm always broke and the kiddos are doomed to a public school education. But no worries. I work for junk silver, silver rounds, and the green American paper. It's the IT lifestyle.
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