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Everything posted by Shaggy3.0

  1. well, we did hire tom fuckin herman, so there's the reason.
  2. He body-shape transitioned from a sloppy, fat ass punchable face to a goofy, slimmer, punchable face.
  3. Let him resign and pay his bills. Problem solved.
  4. No. I learned the county appraisal office will FU whenever the deed changes. It's considered a sale/transaction. You will lose the HE and get jacked with current market value. You'll need to re-apply for HE.
  5. The title says you'd like to "create" a site. And no where did you mention anything about building the assets : ) I mention this because it's important to properly categorize the web publishing work ahead of you: create, host, market, secure, and maintain your digital property--just to name a few. And if you rely on a publishing host/service, you will never "own" your digital property. So keep that in mind. If you ever need to migrate from one service to another, it could be a pain. For most, it usually is. 1. What is the cost to set up/host a site? Depends. If you can reduce digital assets to static form, you can host the site on AWS S3 for $3-$15/month. If you need a full-blown dynamic site, with web-app behavior, you can use serverless cloud services to save quite a bit of $$$. You will only be charged for what you use. There's no running meter to charge up the CC. You should invest in someone doing the initial work for you, learn how things work, then try to learn how to maintain things on your own. If not, you can use managed apps with any typical host (Linode, Digitial Ocean, etc). Their services abstract the complexity so you can point-and-clickity-click your way to noob site building. Just keep in mind, you have almost 0 flexibility for customization. And when you decide to customize--because you will---you'll pay out the nose for some hipster to do side projects for you. This will increase your costs over time, because when said hipster is too busy partying in BKN and you need something done, the next hipster working on your site needs to understand all the L33t cODe the previous hipster wrote before he/she/it/they gets any traction in the codebase. Hosting plans vary, but most are affordable. You will only pay $$$ if your site goes main stream. 2. How do you drive initial traffic to a site? Depends. Who is your target market? What's the demographic? Generating traffic can be as easy as paying Google. OR you can establish a youtube channel, build up followers (~150K is good, 1M+ is better and youtube sends YOU a check every month), then send followers to your site ("click the link in the description!!"). So many ways to drive traffic. They key is not to rely on one method and wait for site visitors to flood your host. 3. What else should I know? LOTS. But you have to start somewhere. amirite? PS: I know this was a pre-covid thread. Adding my opinion just in case it helps others. If anyone disagrees with my opinion, fuck it--neg me!
  6. I'm a Demetri HF subscriber. Good stuff. Would recommend.
  7. A friend in Hays County has lived on the same property for 21 years. He's enjoyed the homestead exemption for 20 years. This year, Hays sent a letter to say he didn't qualify for HE. They sent forms to claim HE again. Why would that happen? Any guesses? Same guy. Same land and improvement. Nothing has changed. Is Hays on crack?
  8. Yeah, GTown is working on a neighborhood plan to preserve the Hispanic/AA culture, right before lifetime residents are priced out. The plan is documented at https://2030.georgetown.org/neighborhood-plans/. The city hired a minority-owned consultancy out of Atlanta. Their job was to foster relationships with current residents and document TRG and San Jose history. Whatever. My father has two lots off Scenic Loop TRG. He's affected by the on-going gentrification. If developers want his property, asking price is 1M per lot.
  9. Lets just bunt the rest of the night.
  10. I'm sure there's a low-bid inexperienced outsourced team in the middle of that process. So the answer is "never".
  11. suckers. i live in a tricked out ford transit van near the GW bridge.
  12. for some reason, i can't get over the fact this guy is NOWHERE NEAR 5'5'' and 180lbs. In every video--especially the footage with him going through the subway turnstile--ummm no. not a small man, at all. how could the initial description be that far off?
  13. Guy should get the Key to the City from Gotham’s mayor.
  14. Police investigating possible explosive device at Brooklyn subway station https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/police-investigating-possible-explosive-device-at-brooklyn-subway-station/
  15. this game was just weird. starting with the angels pitcher trying to pitch before official game time, to that zombie hungover swing from astro batters, to position/line up changes for early season day off, to .....everything. forget it and get back on track. 90 wins is the goal.
  16. Yup. I know that feeling. But I'm old. So these days, a double is good enough.
  17. AppleTV: definite talent upgrade on the sidelines and in the booth. Can't stand the millennial chatting--makes me feel like an old head. I might get a subscription doe. I think we should talk about Pena's lack of arm strength. That apparently makes him go yard. Astro bats have awokenness. Jobu will not jinx the lineup. And the pitching as been decent. Stros will need to score a lot this year, but they've needed the bats for the last several years two win games in batches. The season looks promising. Just need to prove it against the RedSox, Yankees, and Rays. F Correa
  18. Impressive opening game win. Valdez went full Valdez. He's solid and very effective. Alvarez's swing is like watching the opening drive off the tee box. Absolutely beautiful. Damn heater landed in the trees. Bregman woke up. Seems like himself again. Sloppy towards the end, but so what. The new SS is good. Needs a quicker transfer with tosses to first. Take the win. 1-0.
  19. I used to enjoy this. One of many TMobile perks. But I wanted my cell phone to actually work, so I moved over to AT&T. Now the pain. Had to fork over the $130 for MLB. Add the ExpressVPN annual bill and I'm still winning. I can watch the Astros anywhere.
  20. Well, it's a good deal if you're into the BBWs. I don't mind the chubbys.
  21. In on page 1. Looking forward to a successful year.
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