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Everything posted by Shaggy3.0

  1. Well some people just have low standards. Very low standards.
  2. So....is 30K the bottom?
  3. Wait. Are we overlooking the $1 Trillion Platinum coin? I love paper money games. Are we not entertained? hahah
  4. Dude is a shape-shifter. Never trust a shape-shifter.
  5. Nice score card. Physical is doing what it's supposed to do. Another nice bump. I'm only focused on gold bullion. Not purchasing for a while. Just appreciating that nice golden shine. Hope you guys do the same. Happy Stacking.
  6. I'm done. When Surly 1%-5% calls it quits, what chance do I have? I'll stick to precious metals, stocked ammo cans, Mossbergs, and survival food that will taste good in 20 years. I am running low on toilet paper.
  7. What? No love for Bob Wheeler? I'm not mad about that bus.
  8. John Carter skips leg day. Think of Lump's physique if she didn't have those bolt-ons (nasty). I guess there's a real teeth whitening toothpaste shortage in Lump's district. (why smile so much with a yellow grill) Not many pictures with hubby (do we have a chance?) I'll see myself out the back door now. Oh and these delayed twitter loads fuck up the website.
  9. Another good reason to never use the built-in keyboard. Purchase a bluetooth keyboard and key slam away. After 3-4 years, it will die. Purchase another. Keep the built-in keyboard pristine.
  10. Yes, especially within the enterprise. Many clients implement agile processes with different levels of success. Some implement what I call scrum-fall, a scrum + waterfall Frankenstein approach because leadership olds can't abandon old habits. There's a healthy market for agile/scrum certified folks.
  11. Is that wrong?
  12. Two quick resignations. Cleaning house. Perhaps my weekly trips to ABIA will be safer lol. Glad to see them gone. They seemed legit
  13. To clarify, I offered one IT career track within a growth industry. The only certainty I can promise is cloud-related roles are not going away anytime soon. Many clients I know will implement cloud-hybrid or cloud-native architectures for the next 3, 5, X years. Some informative links to help you get up to speed: (HookEm!) https://www.tacc.utexas.edu/-/cloud-computing-expands-brain-sciences https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2021/10/25/the-5-biggest-cloud-computing-trends-in-2022/amp/ (with audio) Many technical and non-technical roles are available in this space. Here's an example: https://bmarkits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/2022-Benchmark-IT-Technology-Salary-Hiring-Guide-Jan-2022.pdf Scroll to page 9. You'll see technical/non-technical positions. The document will provide potential salary ranges for each position group. What you eventually earn is up to you. Discipline, effort, and reliability--basic skills that will separate you from the crowd. And no, I'm not a technical recruiter. But I do hear from several every week to stay informed on business needs and trends. [TEX Voice] Good Bye and Good Luck [/TEX Voice]
  14. All good points. We have a similar outlook. Schiff, George Gammon, Chris Irons (don't laugh--I know), and Demitri Kofinas are just a few people I follow on Spotify. I enjoy their perspectives, even when I don't agree with them. And you're right, we have no idea if/when shit will hit the fan. Just like you said, it could be 5 or 300 years away. And that's why I use PMs for a financial insurance policy. My family can hopefully transition to whatever is ahead. Hopefully that day never comes. But just in case.....keep stacking.
  15. And how are PMs treating you now, relative to crypto or other assets? Gold remains my long-term hedge against inflation. Emphasis on long-term. It's God's money. I'll never sell my holdings. Buy and hold until I'm gone. My kids, nieces, nephews will cash in when I'm gone. 20% of my PMs are gifted to the youngsters every year. They love the buffaloes and learn how value works. When I eventually take that dirt nap, I'm confident gold will NOT be valued less than it is today. I don't use my PMs to flip/time the market. I have a long-term strategy to leave plenty for those who come after me. Better than leaving cash.
  16. That tongue. That dirty dirty tongue. I know what she does with it.
  17. Ha. Well you know...attorneys, kool-aid-smile real estate types, and people person jobs will be obsolete in our lifetime. AI, ML, cloud will move us forward. JK. The quicker path to earning a livable salary is to solution with cloud services. Pull the proper levers for a multitude of cloud services. Cut costs. Increase efficiency. C-suite and clients happy. Attend hi-level dinners with trophy wife. Everyone wins.
  18. As others mentioned, get into IT. You have a Masters to your name. I assume you can apply concepts, logic, and are serious about any role you accept. Learn cloud computing. McCombs has a 6 months post graduate cloud computing course. Take it. Learn Python (easy) and Linux (fun, but will take more time). The McCombs pg-cc certificate will get the ball rolling for you. You can probably land a decent WFH job. Then after a year or two, earn the AWS Solutions Architect Associate. No coding for the exam---its multiple choice, scenario-based questions. Once you have the AWS cert, $170-$220K. Then revisit this thread for the update. Thank me later.
  19. Wisdom. Truth. Knowledge. Surly 1% mindset---indeed.
  20. Yes, I know. I fronted him a wad of cash from my pocket. Then I had to turn my back on Henry. $3200 bucks. That's what I gave him. $3200 bucks for a lifetime.
  21. Hmmmm. Doesn't have the courage to live the Surly 1% lifestyle : )
  22. Sounds like something a Side Piece Player would say.
  23. Come on my dude. Show it to her....show it to her.
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