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Everything posted by Shaggy3.0

  1. This world needs a few more red necks. RIP legend.
  2. She’s hot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Everything’s a clown show right now. Just cancel the season. Reboot in 2021. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. same. i'll take her if Vic doesn't mind.
  5. Do we win a date with South Austin's mom if we out-debate Brisket? If so, I'm in.
  6. Hey you're not too far from The Jeffery. I nominate The Jeffery for the next Surly Happy Hour.
  7. As a minority who lives in the NYC area half the year, I heed the advice of one Mr. Patrice O'Neal (RIP). When you're a non-white in NYC, buy something every 15 minutes and get a receipt. At some point, you'll be expected to prove where you've been. Better have a paper trail. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/vxg0ck/comedy-central-presents-paper-trail
  8. Just saw a wooden ship with a bunch of animals go by.
  9. And don't forget--she announced her presence on that "My friend ricky post wayyy too many mussel pics on FB!!" thread. I think she worked at ShowPalace and said she would never show the nudes (LOLOLOL). Ricky was a messed up dude. Horn and Ricky were buds. I bet Ricky can tell plenty of good stories about her past. There could be one about Horn getting Eiffel Towered. Who knows. Is Ricky still locked up?
  10. My ex-wife is from GA. The MIL would occasionally say "I command you...." when she wanted to place emphasis on a request.
  11. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I went all cash yesterday--enjoyed that nice MSFT bump. Transfering cash to my bank account and putting it in my safe. Yes, I'm an idoit, but I'm out this crazy ass market. Too much RED.
  13. Well Jimbo’s fake aggy NC Trophy did say “2____ National Champions”. So he has enough time to deliver.
  14. So is tomorrow up or down. It’s a Tuesday. Everything happens on Tuesday.
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