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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by 40acredropout

  1. That and get a colonoscopy. Both seem preferential to watching this shit.
  2. Was really getting tired of that guys stupid fucking hat floating on top of his head. Peace bitch
  3. Just to make everyone feel better, this OU staff gave up 29 runs in a weekend series against New Orleans. 24 against Baylor. 9 for us so far through 2.5 games. Nice
  4. Sweet of you to consider us a community. Randy Duke, take a bow.
  5. One rancher I used to work for bought a bunch of them in the early late 80s. They all got fried when lighting hit the tree they were huddled under during a storm. I’m fascinated w the entire story but specifically curious about your best guess of year when it happened?
  6. If you need cartoon dicks I think we have a guy @THUJONE
  7. The ones @ztejas wanted to be between? Checks out
  8. I guess I’m all for celebrating it with internet strangers. But in real life? Definitely embarrassed.
  9. Guess we gotta get used to this shit and leaning into every ball on the inner half.
  10. So Tennessee douche hits oppo bomb and they waive it off and rule him out on account of having an uncertified bat. But they don’t toss him? What the fuck?
  11. Know I gotta get my shit together when WTB is calling my posts long.
  12. Ones that even people from the Panhandle turn theirs noses up to.
  13. I debated whether this merited a new thread given the crossover with the Bitch About Your Family Holiday saga. I figured there are likely posters (like me) who avoid family at all costs and don't have the in-person encounters that we read about in those threads. So in that same vein, who is the family member you would last want to bump into in front of respected friends/colleagues. Or last you would want to let stay in your house for a week. You get the point. I present my (second) cousin Jeff. ~24 years old. Bounces around shithole Texas panhandle towns every ~3-6 months, job after job. Meat packing plants, construction, farm hand, fast food... whatever. Met his first wife Desember (yes, that is the spelling) at his senior prom. Married in June. Two kids in next three years. Now divorced. Probably my favorite story is that he and Desember balled out for their honeymoon and went to the waterpark in Oklahoma City. And shared a hotel room with her mom, her sister, and her sister's two kids.
  14. Co-op was stocked yesterday with the new jerseys. Didn't see any caps though.
  15. I had no idea Iowa State had ~35k students. My best guess would have been 10-15k. @Al_4_ISU My childhood friends and I go to a new college campus for a football game every year. Given we plan these out 2-3 years in advance, would an Iowa game be our best bet to get the best Ames gameday experience?
  16. Nah. While not a "major" city, I give credit for reasonable proximity to Des Moines and also P5 affiliation. I was thinking schools like Chico, Maine, Bucknell, etc. Places where the closest even medium sized city is 2+ hours away and the school will never be in national conversation in any sport. Not saying these kids don't have fun (I know people who went to both Chico and Bucknell), it's just not as good of an overall experience as places that can offer more than the house / fraternity / college bar rager.
  17. On a quarantine Sunday my buddy was going up to Mullin from Austin to buy a 4 wheeler off craigslist. I told him I'd ride along if he'd go the extra 30 minutes to the Brownwood Allsups. 2 Chimi's for the road, 2 for when I got home. Do not regret.
  18. I don't doubt that many of these small schools rage balls but I'd have a hard time going back and choosing a school that wasn't either in a major city or boasting major sports programs. House parties can be wild for sure, but I feel like you're missing out on the full party experience if it's not complimented with other options.
  19. College. I lived in a 6br house in west campus with a backyard where we’d frequently host parties. We were throwing a big crawfish boil and I had headed inside to take a piss. Most guests formed a long line for the easily accessible downstairs restroom but I knew it would be much quicker to head to a restroom upstairs (where my bedroom also was). There were 3-4 people waiting and had formed a line that extended down to the top couple of stairs. I gave into the urge to let out a silent fart and naturally, immediately knew I had fucked up. Only a limited amount of liquid feces escaped before I was able to clinch it up and stop the flow. I knew I had to escape pronto before the smell got out / before my intense clenching failed me and I released the mudslide. I skipped passed the line and went to my room (no restroom) and immediately laid down face first on my bed, hoping to let gravity help fight the impending explosion. My plan was to lay like this until I could hear that the bathroom next door was open and then finish relieving myself and clean up. I probably lasted another thirty seconds before I lost the fight. I felt my shorts rise as my boxer briefs were completely filled with shit, eventually to the point of pushing out the bottom of the briefs and running down my leg. I did not want to try to address the mess until I could get to the bathroom / shower but unfortunately I could hear that there was still a line. I was pretty fucked up at that point and actually fell asleep on my bed, face down, laying in my own shit for what was likely a 5-10 minute nap. I woke up and realized I couldn’t hear anyone outside, so immediately went to the restroom to shower off. There was a window in the restroom that looked out to the side of the front yard where there were several trees. I took the shit filled briefs and flung them as far away from the house as I could, sticking them ~10-15 feet up in a tree. Finished my shower, put on new shorts and underwear, went back to the party thinking no other soul would ever know that I shit myself that day. I pulled it off, too. For 12 hours. The next morning I was sitting on the front poarch letting my dog go potty in the front yard, which was the morning routine. My best friend and roommate came out to join me and we debriefed on the party the day before and what everyone got into that night. Sure as fucking shit, the motherfucker looked out to the yard, squinted for a minute and then pointed out a pair of seemingly soiled boxer briefs hanging from a branch. At that point, it was too good of a story not to tell so I swore him to secrecy and filled him in. This is first time I’ve shared it since.
  20. 2nd largest crowd in Disch history for this bullshit
  21. Hoping they return the favor. About the only thing I can think of that would light a fire under our ass.
  22. This lineup with only 2/4 of Tristan, Pete, Nixon and Harrison + whatever else in our pen? Fuck I'm not sure.
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