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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by 40acredropout

  1. Thanks again for putting me onto this @Nice Guy Eddie.

    Can't believe how much attention I'm paying to something that might pay out a couple of bucks.  I don't have as much deposited as some of you guys so I've only got 360 tickets.  After tonight's number I've got 16 tickets this week with 2 numbers already selected.  Hoping for a 52 or 57 (either of those would bump 5 cards up to 3 numbers).

  2. 16 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I was 16, at a Jimmy Buffet concert drinking tequila from a canteen, sharing it with the people around me.  The cute 15 yr old next to me grabbed me and started kissing and groping me.  Then her 40 yr old or so mother pulled her daughter off of me....so she could do the same thing.  They took turns with me all throughout the show.  As we left the concert, I thought "wow, maybe this is really going to happen?"  Unfortunately, the tequila had run out an hour or so before, and mom had sobered up JUST enough to come to her senses and say "I think we better go home."

    That's as close as I ever got to a big age disparity.

    In the lawn of a ZZ Top / Aerosmith concert (circa 2010 so they didn't quite have their fastball) I watched the crackwhore in front of us makeout with her deadbeat bf for hours.  The party ultimately ended when she puked down his throat / all over his face.  Good times.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. On 11/29/2020 at 10:17 PM, Jive Turkey said:

    just finished Tom Brown's Body.  seems like it should be a suicide, but why was his backpack found 4 miles from his car, and his phone was found 9 miles from his car, and his body was found about 12-14 miles from his car?  there is no way in hell that kid parked his car and then walked that far before he committed suicide.  zero chance.

    so if he did kill himself, how did it go down so that his body ended up so far away from his Durango?  something fishy had to have happened.

    i feel pretty confident in saying that the mom is hiding something.  she knows more than she's led on.

    Sheriff Nathan Lewis was way in over his head.  i don't think he was in on anything, but he was a novice.

    Phil Klein is so full of himself and, as stated above, is fleecing Penny Meeks for a lot of money with wild ass theories to get her to keep paying him.

    i hope there is closure on this.

    I just finished this one.  The only way I could see it being suicide is if somehow the mom was involved (i.e. covering it up) like they hypothesized on the podcast.  But even that does seem like a stretch.   Do you suspect something more nefarious with her involvement?  

    The cell phone is the piece that confuses me more than anything.  Based on the condition it was found (years after disappearance) it had to be planted by someone.

    Phil Klein sounds like a piece of shit.  How the fuck is he arriving at his theory that some kid accidentally pulled the trigger on Tom in the football stadium parking lot?  I may have missed something, but did he have a single shred of evidence to support that?  I know there was the shell casing in the car but how is he pinning it to that location / that scenario?

  4. 9 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    One does not have to support Black Lives Matter to be an opponent of racism. One can be against both, and for good reason. The aggy "get woke, go broke" was not directed specifically against BLM, it was a general sentiment in opposition to those who promote racial diversity. What else would one expect from a culture that maintains a shrine to white supremacy as one of their most sacred monuments?

    What I was pointing out was how the aggy sentiment against racial diversity and against racial equality are out of step with mainstream American cultural values. That, and how clueless aggys are to just how out of step their culture is with mainstream Texan, American, and Western culture. Their culture has a deep-seated sickness that promotes hegemony over intellect. One cannot be an aggy and an intellectual, as to be an aggy requires one not look at aggy culture with an intellectual eye.

    Texas A&M's primary mission isn't academic advancement (no institution that espoused they have solved the mystery of alchemy can ever be taken seriously as a legitimate academic institution). Texas A&M's primary mission is the perpetuation of cultural hegemony, and their culture venerates white, male privilege and virulent racism (They won't even allow women to be cheerleaders. Think about that). They owe their very existence to liberal political thought, yet they reject all politics other than borderline fascism. That isn't a political statement. That is a cultural statement. I'm not promoting any political stance. I'm pointing out their cultural sickness. Their very existence is owed to a federal government welfare project, not a collective decision of, by and for the people of Texas. Yet, in utter ignorance, they rail against government welfare spending. That isn't a political observation, it is a cultural observation.

    I'm not making any statement regarding the position of the government vis a vis the people. I'm stating that a group of inbred rednecks who maintain a shrine to white supremacy as their most sacred grounds; that mocks, ridicules, and diminishes the military contributions of others; that denigrates women to subservient roles; and considers a 2.5 gpa at a junior college to be a great intellectual feat (shall I continue?) deserves to be openly and incessantly mocked and ridiculed.

    One of the most identifying aspects of aggy culture is virulent racism. Their "get woke, go broke" sentiment wasn't political. It was cultural. They fervently believe that anyone who promotes racial equality will be subjected to group punishment and public ridicule. And they could not be more wrong.

    "aggy values" have nothing in common with mainstream American values, or even mainstream Western cultural values. aggy culture is infected with a deep sickness. Yes, at times it borders on cruelty to mock them. They are a sick people. But as long as the people of Texas continue to commit over $1 billion each and every year to support Texas A&M, and as long as Texas A&M stands in direct opposition to Texan, American, and Western values, it is not only appropriate to mock them, it is expected we mock them. And that we stand in opposition to everything that exemplifies their cultural sickness.

    The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.

    Out of all the people who scroll past your posts, what percentage do you think actually reads them?

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 3
  5. 13 minutes ago, Tailgate said:

    “High degree of integrity“


    I personally enjoy how the company Linkedin touts 51-200 employees but if you look, there are actually only 7 listed profiles.  1 of which is Nate Paul, 3 of which are (bots?) in India.  

    They certainly also indirectly "employ" dozens of contractors but just another example of World Class hubris.


  6. On 12/3/2020 at 8:50 PM, bluto said:

    Over the past 3 years I’m not sure there has been longer than a 2 week stretch where there weren’t multiple “development” analyst / associate / vp job listings posted for WC.  Early on their reputation was bad enough within the industry but now it just takes a simple google to see all the smoke.  Can’t imagine how anyone would go work there at this point.

  7. 2 minutes ago, utee94 said:


    Tonight it's smoked pork tenderloin with jalapeno cranberry chutney, twice-baked potatoes, roasted asparagus with pancetta, chocolate cake, Bordeaux, and eggnog.

    Tomorrow lunch is Thanksgiving redux-- smoked turkey, cornbread dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed taters, homemade yeast rolls, more Bordeaux, and more eggnog.

    Merry Christmas, just a few days now until Urban Meyer is our new head coach.

    Forget Nicole.  I'll be over tomorrow at noon.

    • Haha 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    What are y’all having for dinner for tonite:

    Having scallops, crab cakes , salmon,  fettuccine Alfredo and roasted asparagus and artichoke dip. Trying the seafood route this year. Normally it’s pot roast or ham or turkey. And eggnog. And wine. 

    Urban or Bust! Not making any sandwiches tonite bitches. Lol. 


    Be over at 7.

    • Haha 2
  9. 41 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Most of my pictures are in storage (or in the cloud ☁️ so can’t share those): Last two are me with my first vehicle, a Chevy Sport Blazer and me with my mom. I’m lame so I don’t have a lot of “me” shots on my phone. I take pictures of sunsets and nature. 



    I am from the panhandle and my first car was a beautiful black '97 2 door Tahoe so this hits close to home.  Speaking of hitting it close to home, are you open to a sugar momma type relationship?

    • Haha 1
  10. I lived on the same floor as a lot of football players in Jester East (2011) and Chris Jones (WR from daingerfield) told me that BYU probably talked more shit than anyone on the schedule.

    That said, this coastal team is trash.  Pulling for the shit talking Mormons  

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