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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Just got home from Graham/Brock game. Holy shit that was an ass whopping.
  2. I was at the Graham/Springtown game. It was a massacre. Especially the first half. After that game, I figured .500 record at best this season. At that time, I didn’t realize how weak Graham’s schedule was. I live three blocks from the school, and skipped the last two games because the competition has been so bad and games so boring. I will be there Friday. I expect Brock to name the score. But I’m hoping for an exciting game. I agree with everyone saying Graham shouldn’t be #5. Only team they have played with a pulse beat them.
  3. #2 - Brock at #5 - Graham I don’t expect Graham to be able to hang with Brock, but a top 5 matchup at home is pretty cool.
  4. Yes. One I actually admire and is doing good things in this county. But as I told my wife when we got back in the car “All he has to do is vote for himself, and he wins”. Didn’t feel a damn bit of shame not voting for him.
  5. Wife and I voted at the Young County court annex today. Took about five minutes. Only voted Dem, so did not vote in most, sadly . I didn’t even vote for some that I know and like, simply because of that R.
  6. Texas - 31 ou - 24 Texas rushing -117 ou rushing - 158 spread - 41
  7. That was frustrating to watch. That week off seemed to screw up their chemistry close to the goal. They played like shit down there.
  8. Texas - 63 UTSA - 6 Total passing 520 : Ewers - 315, Manning - 205
  9. Texas - 33 Michigan - 17 mich receiving yards - 202
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