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  1. Dude should have become president
  2. rotate vs revolve come on, it's not that hard
  3. It's the song - Time to Say Goodbye. The name says it all I would say how I thought everyone knew that song, but then I wouldn't be sure what level of dork hell I just sentenced myself to.
  4. Crazy, clueless, silly, or a fantastic troll by somebody well positioned
  5. time to say goodbye Edit: I'm going with the claim that they didn't mess with the audio
  6. Lived in town there for a while 10+ years ago, and while I'm pretty sure ownership has changed I have no doubt that place is still a great diner. Had breakfast there dozens of Thursday mornings. Being that Freehold was the Boss's hometown, it was understood that he showed up for things fairly often but kept a low profile - and was pretty successful at that. Pretty sure I saw him twice - once at the annual Christmas Tree lighting, and the other at one of the summer cruise nights. I think it's pretty cool to see him do that piece.
  7. Oh for sure. Then again, maybe your neighbors could mix in a speedo (not for the kid) and totally redeem themselves
  8. I like my neighborhood, I really do. But gawd my neighbors are so.... boring.
  9. Fair enough, but I bet I'll have to wait a while to find many cops calling this dude out. Assuming I understand which part you don't agree with.
  10. Not picking on you here, I agree with most of what you said. But it's not that "all cops are bad" - it's that WAAAAAY too many of them excuse the ones that are. Fuck that.
  11. Jeebus - laminations of their women, a bulleting board... Actually, I guess even if it had been bulletin board there might have been some asking the same question. I actually have a bulletin board, with no bulletins on it. I am old.
  12. I would never have thunk it... I can't say I know much about BV specifically, but what I know of the areas around there - pretty, pretty trumpy.
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