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Everything posted by grazinhorn

  1. Way too late for me on the East Coast, but quickly: We did a similar thing with flights set and hotels for the first/last nights and it was great to make it up as we went along (with a few obvious priorities) Driving in Ireland for me was fine, and we were able to follow our nose so to speak and find some cool off-the-beaten-path things Galway is awesome, wish I had gotten even further into the northwest part. We rented a house just out from the center of Galway right on the water and it was fantastic.
  2. Obviously rooting for this guy but also all of his fellow troops
  3. This is a little dated, and SIAP, but I periodically check in on Iceland and noticed this little bit. Russian trolls everywhere, man https://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/politics_and_society/2022/09/21/inviting_icelandic_journalists_to_go_to_the_occupie/ Inviting Icelandic journalists to go to the occupied areas in Ukraine A letter was sent to 10 media companies in Iceland inviting them to go to Ukraine and write about the coming elections in the annexed areas this weekend. mbl.is/Eggert Jóhannesson “This fund is sponsored by the Russian state. That is all I know about it, but I am in good contact with the fund manager, a woman, I have known for years, but she is one of the ministers of the self-governing area of Vasilkiv,” says Konráð Magnússon, but he sent today a letter to ten media companies in Iceland with an invitation to visit the Donbas area in Ukraine, where a referendum will take place next weekend. There it will be decided whether the Donbas area with the Donetsk and Luhansk regions want to become a part of Russia. When asked about the name of the person managing the fund he does not want to reveal that. “I have not asked her if I can reveal her name. I won’t do it until we meet tomorrow or the day after. I am not sure when.” “Russia is my second home” Magnússon lives in Reykjavík but calls Russia his second home. His ex-wife is Russian and he has been living there on and off since the turn of the Century and speaks good Russian. “I first went to Russia in 2002 and there I met my former wife. I was in Russia quite a bit while she was finishing her studies. I lived there as much as I my visitor’s visa allowed. Ever since I have spent a lot of time in Russia and made a lot of friends and aquaintances, both from Russia and Ukraine, but I see those countries as basically the same,” Magnússon says. A Ukranian soldier in the Mykolaiv region last Tuesday. AFP/Genya Savilov When asked whether he has any contact with the foreign service or the authorities in Russia, he says no. He says he is just an ordinary man trying to do a favour for his Russian friends. “In this instance I immediately told them that this was a very short notice, but I would do my best. Under normal circumstances I would not have sent a letter like this, but rather talked to a few people in person. But the way I see it, I am getting information out to independent journalists out there by sending the letter to the big media companies, if they write about it.” Is probably going by himself if nobody contacts him tonight Magnússon says that nobody has accepted the invitation yet, but he has had a few phone calls where people want to know more about the offer. He did not expect the big media companies to accept the offer, because of the short notice. “In this instance I was contacted because of my friendship, in the hope that an independent journalist would write about the referendum. As I have been explaining to those who have called me, the news from this area is often biased, taken from foreign media who do not really know what is going on.” Ukranian soldiers in Luhansk with a fallen Russian soldier. AFP The journalist interviewing Magnússon tells him that many media companies are in contact with Icelanders in Ukraine. For example mbl.is and Morgunblaðið have been working with the photographer Óskar Hallgrímsson, who lives in Kiev, and he has sent photographs and is regularly interviewed. Does not want to take sides -What if no media company accepts the offer, will nobody go then? “If that happens, I will probably just go by myself. I told them to talk to me again at 18 PM and if nobody had accepted by then, I will give up on anybody coming,” he says. “I have not decided if I will go by myself. I can go if I want to, but have not decided yet.” Magnússon says he does not want to choose sides in this war and that he has friends from both Russia and Ukraine. “I decided immediately when I moved to Russia to be apolitical, because politics are boring and nothing but complications. The only thing that I want is that people get the real news. I know in a war the truth disappears fast and both parties start writing the things that profits them the most.” The journalists can speak to the people When Magnússon is asked whether he doesn’t think a sponsored trip to the annexed areas is supposed to result in a narrative that benefits the Russian authorities, he says it might. “Yes, I think you might be right,” he says and adds: “That is why I asked specifically about whether the journalists would have to go through some prescreened process or whether they can talk to whomever they choose. The answers I got was that they could speak to the people and this would not be orchestrated, except that some areas are off limits because of security reasons.” - You mean they cannot go to the battlefields? “Yes. This is something that journalists should be able to see through and choose the right people to talk to.” Magnússon says that visas will be provided for those who accept the invitation and they will both get the flight and accommodation free of charge. Furthermore, there will be a strong security for the media. The plan is to fly to London tomorrow and from there to Istanbul in Turkey and from there to Moscow in Russia. A special flight from Moscow will then be provided for the journalists to go to Luhansk to witness the referendum on Sunday.
  4. Okay, completely forgot about that one because holy shit they have shown so much stupidity. But yeah that should have been top 10
  5. That first picture is definitely one of ~10 from this thread where I would instantly recognize the person in it. Hope that guy fully recovers.
  6. Sounds great and all, but this + Tell Me About Texas a&m = WTF????????????????
  7. Great memories as a kid and with my children on the USS Texas - probably because of how much room to roam you get. You can't preserve everything but we aren't preserving enough of the stuff that we could, in my opinion.
  8. Ugh, I live close enough I see that place a few times a year. I haven't lived here long enough to know the whole story, but the owner is a shameless but sometimes creative promoter - apparently owned a racetrack and was known for crazy promotions. And of course his name is Whitey.
  9. And honestly that's fine. I don't share much agreement with some of the conclusions, but I understand the thoughts like - In my case balanced would be surpassed. Which sucks even if it is necessary to achieve justice in the former case (let's not accept the latter as long as the Ukrainians won't). Sure, I have concerns about how to deal with Russia in the future. Does the endgame crush them like Germany after WW1 or lead to rebuilding in a different way like WW2? (That is an admitted oversimplification.) I think that disheartened is a great word, but it doesn't mean I don't rally. I think that later it was said that "if there weren’t nukes involved, we’d be doing a lot more" and that's what is so damn frustrating. There is risk to doing more (i.e. troops), so we do what we can treading a careful path. This was an overly long explanation of finding common ground with someone's thoughts, someone who has intimated support for actions or outcomes that I do not support. Glad to see that updates have carried on!
  10. I find little to disagree with in terms of your thought process. This whole thing sucks, and identifying the optimal route out of the war is super challenging. Much could still go very wrong, and not just for the Ukrainian people.
  11. Whooo a few acronym jitters, one or two more and I would have been all
  12. Can we have the Russians literally drop out? I would pay to watch that
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