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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. methoverse. Prove me wrong. kill your facebook
  2. Austin’s own (and UT alum) Gabino Iglesias with a review of Cormac McCarthy’s newest works: In terms of scope, works of literature exist on a spectrum that goes from small narratives packed into a microcosm that want to explore a single element of human nature all the way to stories that seem obsessed with somehow encapsulating the totality of the human experience and decoding the meaning of life. Cormac McCarthy's The Passengerand Stella Maris -- the author's first two books in more than a decade — belong to the latter group, both as standalone novels and when taken together as deeply intertwined works of fiction that take place in the same universe and with the same characters. . .. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/25/1131283160/review-cormac-mccarthy-the-passenger-and-stella-maris Gambino is an excellent author in his own right. The Devil Takes You Home is a haunting read.
  3. Finally. Looking forward to the books.
  4. Much of the recovery will depend on what breaks and contagion risk. The financial advisor is providing a consensus opinion: Bear rally/ies then capitulation drop. If one listens to Nouriel Roubini, expect a Doomsday as a result of the Fed blinking. (I think he is just selling his new book).
  5. Crypto correlation with stock market. Dollar down today with economic bad news (consumer confidence down) hinting the Fed will slow tightening. (Weaker USD = more USD needed to buy asset like cryptos). I think the Bloomberg article provides a relatively objective case for why crypto has value - much better than any promoter of crypto. The crypto hucksters have been been unsavory, to say it kindly.
  6. For only the second time, Business Week devotes an entire issue to one topic: Crypto. Worth a read if one has the time and patience to read a 40,000 word article by one reporter. https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2022-the-crypto-story/?srnd=businessweek-v2
  7. Kanye is proof that music/art opinions are subjective. Kanye is pop music attempting to be art music. There is no accounting for taste, especially when the artist has documented mental health issues - especially cluster b personality disorders: We all know someone like Kanye. One would hope his friends would get him the help he needs.
  8. 5’3” former Goldman banker - what could go wrong?
  9. ©️washparkhorn “kill v maim”
  10. ©️washparkhorn “Holodomor 2022”
  11. Lara Logan with the “Hold my beer” award. When you are too controversial for Newsmax, it’s probably time to head to rehab.
  12. According to the Bloomberg: The Biden administration is exploring the possibility of new export controls that would limit China’s access to some of the most powerful emerging computing technologies, according to people familiar with the situation. The potential plans, which are in an early stage, are focused on the still-experimental field of quantum computing, as well as artificial intelligence software, according to the people, who asked not to be named discussing private deliberations. Industry experts are weighing in on how to set the parameters of the restrictions on this nascent technology, they said. The efforts, if implemented, would follow separate restrictions announced earlier this month aimed at stunting Beijing’s ability to deploy cutting-edge semiconductors in weapons and surveillance systems. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-20/us-eyes-expanding-china-tech-ban-to-quantum-computing-and-ai?srnd=premium&utm_source=website&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=mobile_web_share File under “shaping the battlefield” in the China v. the West Cold War.
  13. Unlike the US, floating mortgage interest rates in Britain are the norm. Inflation hits mortgage holders harder and more immediately in Britain. Landlords pass on those rate hikes to renters. Add in doubt whether London will remain a financial center - and you have this mess.
  14. Borrowing money to cut the taxes of the most wealthy is not a winning play in Brexit Britain.
  15. He is a clear and present danger to the Constitutional Republic.
  16. Frontline/AP does a hell of a job.
  17. Evil. Designed to discourage voting. Step 1: Tell people they're eligible to vote. Step 2: Let them vote. Step 3: Send the cops to their home to tell them they really weren't eligible to vote. Step 4: Make the claim that voter fraud is rampant.
  18. Short man’s disease.
  19. Thin liquidity/high volatility = hot flashes The Fed demands capitulation.
  20. Reaganomics/Thatchernomics is still Voodoo economics.
  21. Antitrust laws have been so neglected I doubt there is a problem. They will probably spin off the low performing stores into a brand that will fail to give the appearance of competition. Walmart will continue to dominate regardless of the merger.
  22. USD remains the preeminent safe haven. British attempts to resurrect the voodoo economics of Maggie and Ronnie were aborted quickly with the ouster of the Kwarteng. As for the almighty Fed - remember PCE is their more trusted data source - not CPI. Volatility is the name of the game. Technicals trigger tumult in the markets.
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