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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. Plenty of room at the Denver Airport Reeducation Camp for the Q-diots.
  2. IG Cuffari needs to go - now - and the AG must investigate his actions. This is not his first transgression: https://www.pogo.org/letter/2022/04/pogo-calls-on-president-biden-to-remove-dhs-ig-joseph-cuffari
  3. The Five Eyes arrangement has been around since 1943. It's a well-known secret. As for the data, Snowden revealed there are efficient search tools for immediate decision-making situations (think: ticking clock scenarios). Hell - these are official actions.by public servants. There is no expectation of privacy. The messages should have been saved. This is just a redundant tool to recover them. No need to disclose the source of the backed-up files. Get them to the DOJ and Congressional Oversight Committees. Problem solved.
  4. Investigating an attempted coup certainly appears to be a proper reason to use the data passively collected by our intelligence community. There was (and is) a clear and present danger.
  5. PCE came in hot. No basis for Fed to begin dovish pivot with PCE data. UMich is next data point ahead.
  6. CPAC hosting Nazis. Color me surprised. Orban, Stephen Miller and Majorie Taylor Greene are scheduled to speak. A regular who’s who of white nationalism.
  7. When interest rate hikes rise to the level that make mortgages unaffordable, people will need apartments.
  8. Recession is determined by the NBER. The NBER defines “recession” as: GDP “estimates” are often revised: NBER will make final determination after GDP numbers are finalized. More importantly, the economy of the US (and the world) is slowing. The Fed is intentionally slowing the US and world economy to fight inflation (via rate hikes and reducing its balance sheet). The Fed is willing to risk recession in order to defeat inflation. Everything else is politics - and not a proper topic for the 6th Street Journal. Take it to the Cloak Room.
  9. Market counting on a Fed Pivot. I don’t see it.
  10. Recession is inevitable unless the Fed pivots. I don’t believe the Fed can pivot with its objective of 2% inflation. The tools to defeat cost-push inflation unfortunately disproportionately hit Main Street with fierce pain.
  11. Fed pivot from restrictive rate hikes will not occur until 6% unemployment rate if history is any guide.
  12. World recession + strong USD = Bullet with butterfly wings
  13. Services PMI print ugly. Steep drop. Fed anti-inflation tools bringing the pain, as expected. Cure worse than the disease?
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