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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. All the way from where we came Built a mansion in a day Distant lightning, thunder claps Watched our neighbor's house collapse Looked the other way Fate don’t fail me now . . .
  2. The Fed’s tools to combat inflation are working: Deflationary headwinds strengthen.
  3. Intel does not care for your tone, comrade. From each according to its relative power; to each according to its lobbying power. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010)
  4. Back to inflation - the strong USD created by the Fed is forcing other central banks to raise rates or face imminent annihilation via inflation.
  5. Socialism is profitable in “Capitalist” America if one buys enough politicians. https://news.utexas.edu/2020/03/25/proposed-bailout-is-socialism-for-the-rich/
  6. When Repugs capture Congress and the Presidency, they will enlarge the Supreme Court and kill the filibuster. The Constitution is silent on the issue. Moreover, the United States has a long held tradition of changing the size of the Supreme Court (seven times in the history of the Nation) Expanding the Court to match the number of Federal Circuits is rational. It would enhance judicial efficiency and fairness to have one Supreme Court Justice for each Circuit. Create a commission and get it done, before the Repug theocracy takes over complete control.
  7. Same as it ever was - lesser of two evils. Rinse and repeat.
  8. A modern Gavrilo Princip when it comes to our children and their children. Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth.
  9. He’s a corrupt Republican in everything but name only. The Dems need to remove him as the Chair of the Senate Energy Committee at a minimal. If he wants to toe the Republican Party line, force him to run as Republican and put up a populist Democrat to run against him. The Democratic Party in West Virginia was dominated by Manchin’s minions until very recently when Democratic activists swept them out of power. It is time to finish the job and kick out Manchin. https://theintercept.com/2022/06/30/joe-manchin-west-virginia-democratic-party/
  10. HBR: monofocus and/or hyperfocus on efficiency weakens resiliency. Eliminating waste sounds like a reasonable goal. Why would we not want managers to strive for an ever-more-efficient use of resources? Yet as I will argue, an excessive focus on efficiency can produce startlingly negative effects, to the extent that superefficient businesses create the potential for social disorder. This happens because the rewards arising from efficiency get more and more unequal as that efficiency improves, creating a high degree of specialization and conferring an ever-growing market power on the most-efficient competitors. The resulting business environment is extremely risky, with high returns going to an increasingly limited number of companies and people—an outcome that is clearly unsustainable. The remedy, I believe, is for business, government, and education to focus more strongly on a less immediate source of competitive advantage: resilience. This may reduce the short-term gains from efficiency but will produce a more stable and equitable business environment in the long run. I conclude by describing what a resilience agenda might involve. https://hbr.org/2019/01/the-high-price-of-efficiency
  11. Nice color choice by the ladies. Truth is stranger than fiction.
  12. You are conflating identitarians with progressives. Progressives are grounded in economic issues (FDR Democrats), not identity politics. Newsom resonates with progressives on economic issues. He runs the 5th largest economy in the world - and is applauded for taking care of the working poor. The homeless are another matter.
  13. You are conflating fiscal policy (e.g., military spending is a huge nut) with monetary policy. Current inflation issues are a supply side problem (cost-push inflation) and not demand-pull inflation. The cure is demand destruction until the supply side issues normalize. Inflation stickiness is a major risk, which is why the Fed will risk a recession to defeat inflation. As for currency, the USD remains the safest reserve currency, much to the chagrin of countries like Russia, China and Iran. It’s position has only been improved under the current administration. We always pay our bills (with USD accepted worldwide) and we carry a big stick with our military. Again, our world standing in this area has only improved under the current administration. Had the right wing coup succeeded on January 6, the USD would be trash.
  14. Inaccurate. We are already seeing demand destruction in home sales.
  15. Next week on Survivor - after trump’s plot to have his showmance partner Pence cancel the election fails, he lustily watches as the white racist alliance’ attempts to murder everyone at tribal council.
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