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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. So the Hearing tomorrow is “white boy” day . . . The committee is expected to make the case that the Trump administration had connections to militia groups like the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys—whose leaders face seditious conspiracy charges—and that a tweet from former President Donald Trump was the "siren call" that catalyzed those groups to attempt to block the certification of the 2020 election. "People are going to hear the story of that tweet, and then the explosive effects it had in Trump world and specifically among the domestic violent extremist groups—the most dangerous political extremists in the country at that point," Representative Jamie Raskin told CBS' Face the Nation on Sunday.
  2. Blaming “Squishy Progressives” for the consequences of neoliberalism championed by Reagan is absurd and utter bullshit. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8145185/ Mental Health Challenges Related to Neoliberal Capitalism in the United States Anna Zeira Additional article information Abstract Rates of mental illness have increased dramatically over the past 15 years in the United States [Products—Data Briefs—Number 283—August 2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db283.htm. Published August 15, 2017]. Additionally, life expectancy has fallen over the past several years due to increases in death from suicide, opioid overdose, and alcoholic liver cirrhosis as reported by Case and Deaton [Deaths of despair and the future of capitalism. Princeton University Press, 2020]. Over the last decade some have questioned whether these changes are due to neoliberal capitalist policies and ideologies. Neoliberal capitalism incorporates theories of eliminating all restrictions on the market and decreasing government assistance programs as reported by Harvey [A brief history of neoliberalism, Oxford University Press, 2005]. Since then these policies have led to income inequality, disempowerment of workers, outsourcing of manufacturing jobs, inadequate social services, mass incarceration and an expensive and ineffective healthcare system as reported by Case and Deaton [Deaths of despair and the future of capitalism. Princeton University Press, 2020] and Nkansah-Amankra et al. [International Journal of Health Services 43(2):217-240, 2013]. Studies have shown that the consequences of these policies and ideologies likely have a role in increasing rates of mental illness. This paper will discuss how these factors increase mental distress and postulate ways that mental health professionals can advocate for change.
  3. Part of the aociopathy that links these killers together. Feom 2019. They want to speed the collapse. https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/11/11/20882005/accelerationism-white-supremacy-christchurch Accelerationism: the obscure idea inspiring white supremacist killers around the world How a techno-capitalist philosophy morphed into a justification for murder.
  4. Crimo was wearing a dress at the time of the shooting. According to police, the dress allowed him to better conceal his weapon.
  5. I left Texas for the Peninsula (SF) the day after my last class. I thought I might return one day, but never did and probably never will. The State is an embarrassment now - but it wasn’t always that way. I lived Chicago and Colorado since leaving the Bay Area. Now I find myself in the southern Piedmonts and enjoying Southern folks with their manners and grace. Many Texans have lost those manners and proudly behave like Gooner Sooners. The politics in Texas are worse than Mississippi or Alabama. It’s become more like Florida mixing with Oklahoma. I have no regrets leaving and never coming back. I feel for the blueberries trapped in a bloody Texas soup. The good thing for people leaving Texas is those who left before them generally had good manners and grace. The Texans I have worked with and become friends with in California, Colorado and Chicago painted a good image of Texas and her people. The Texans I know represent the State well - far better than the dirtbag political leaders who call themselves Texans. Best wishes to those leaving. For the ones staying, good luck. When Texans act like Okies - nothing good comes from that shift.
  6. https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/democracy/the-lewis-powell-memo-a-corporate-blueprint-to-dominate-democracy/
  7. “The current Court is textualist only when being so suits it. When that method would frustrate broader goals, special canons like the ‘major questions doctrine’ magically appear as get out-of-text-free cards.” - Kagan dissent
  8. There is no doubt Congress is a gang of slackers and unwilling to rock the boat while they gorge on payoffs from wealthy patrons intent on purchasing Congress Critters, but . . . these decisions by the Court only enhance the power of the Opulent Minority. Vote or perish.
  9. Ugly equities as the Fed signals willingness to allow the economy to fall into recession in order to fight inflation. Pain on the rise.
  10. I will never not blame marketers: Profit from post-structural analysis distorts truth, if such a thing exists.
  11. Horrible. Nightmarish. Utter depravity.
  12. I like the subject matter of the backstory. Dark. Well written. I’m in.
  13. “Non-hearsay” under 801(a)(statement to prove effect on listener and legally operative fact/verbal act), imho.
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